Me gusta comprobar que no soy el único que hace regalos construidos con LEGO. La verdad es que nunca estoy convencido de que una de mis creaciones sea lo suficientemente buena como para regalársela a alguien a quien quiero, así que le doy muchas vueltas a la cabeza antes de hacerlo. Estoy seguro que Mike Nieves acertará con esta fantástica hada, una belleza.
I like to check that I'm not the only one who makes gifts built with LEGO. The truth is that I am never convinced that one of my creations is good enough to give it to someone I love, so I think about it a lot before doing it. I am sure that Mike Nieves will succeed with this fantastic fairy, a beauty.
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Sobre la descarga de instrucciones/About downloading instructions
Todas las instrucciones que encontrarás disponibles para descargar en esta página son gratuitas. Si crees que el trabajo que hemos realizado merece un premio, haz una donación, por la cantidad que quieras, a cualquier ONG que trabaje en favor de los niños. Si no te importa escríbenos y cuéntanoslo.
All instructions that you can find available for download on this page are for free. If you think that the work we have done deserves a compensation, make a donation, for the amount you want, to any NGO or charity foundation that works in favor of children. If you don´t mind, write us and let us know about it.
lunes, 25 de diciembre de 2017
¿Antes o después?
Me gustaría saber si esta escena es antes o después del trabajo. Si es antes, explicaría porque Santa no siempre acierta con los regalos, si es después refleja el descanso después del trabajo bien hecho. De todas formas esta escena de Rod Gillies está llena de humor y de buenas técnicas de construcción. Ahora entiendo la nariz roja de Rudolph...
I would like to know if this picture was taken before or after work. If it is before, that would explain why Santa doesn’t always succeed with the gifts, if it is afterwards it reflects the rest after a job well done. Anyway this Rod Gillies scene is full of humor and good building techniques. Now I understand Rudolph's red nose...
Author’s gallery:
domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2017
Antes de que todo se volviese global y la mayoría de las fronteras culturales fueran derribadas por la red global, cada pueblo tenía sus propias costumbres y criaturas mitológicas. Ahora sobreviven a duras penas bajo el bombardeo de la economía global que busca oportunidad de hacer negocio de cada día de nuestras vidas. Una de estas criaturas es el Leprechaun. El construido por timofey_tkachev es una pequeña maravilla, desde la técnica a la expresividad.
Before everything became global and most of the cultural borders were torn down by the global network, each village had its own mythological customs and creatures. Now they survive with great difficulty under the bombardment of the global economy that looks for an opportunity to do business every day of our lives. One of these creatures is the Leprechaun. The built by timofey_tkachev is a small wonder, from the technique to the expressiveness.
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Before everything became global and most of the cultural borders were torn down by the global network, each village had its own mythological customs and creatures. Now they survive with great difficulty under the bombardment of the global economy that looks for an opportunity to do business every day of our lives. One of these creatures is the Leprechaun. The built by timofey_tkachev is a small wonder, from the technique to the expressiveness.
Author’s gallery:
Ford Mustang GT 350-H
Uno de mis constructores favoritos es Sariel (SarielLego). Su capacidad para construir maravillas Technic con infinidad de funciones, sin renunciar a una estética muy cuidada, siempre ha sobrepasado mi capacidad de asombro. En este fantástico Ford Mustang nos demuestra una vez más su capacidad para realizar modelos complejos, compactos y, a la vez, bellos. Una delicia que te tienta de igual manera a contemplarlo en una estantería o a jugar con él.
One of my favorite builders is Sariel (SarielLego). His ability to build Technic wonders with many functions, without renouncing a very careful aesthetic, has always exceeded my capacity for amazement. In this fantastic Ford Mustang he is once again demonstrating his ability to make complex, compact and, at the same time, beautiful models. A delight that tempts you in the same way to contemplate it on a shelf or to play with it.
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One of my favorite builders is Sariel (SarielLego). His ability to build Technic wonders with many functions, without renouncing a very careful aesthetic, has always exceeded my capacity for amazement. In this fantastic Ford Mustang he is once again demonstrating his ability to make complex, compact and, at the same time, beautiful models. A delight that tempts you in the same way to contemplate it on a shelf or to play with it.
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martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017
Christmas Eve
Hasta los superhéroes y súpervillanos celebran la Navidad. Dmitriy and Anna nos regalan esta escena donde Batman y Harley Quinn parecen dispuestos a compartir una entrañable noche Navideña. Tengo la sensación de que el contenido de alguno de esos paquetes podría no resultar agradable para los mortales comunes, pero a fin de cuentas, ellos son especiales..., como la escena, una delicia navideña.
Even superheroes and supervillains celebrate Christmas. Dmitriy and Anna give us this scene where Batman and Harley Quinn seem willing to share a lovely Christmas night. I have the feeling that the content of some of those packages might not be pleasant for ordinary mortals, but in the end, they are special ... like the scene, a Christmas delight.
Author’s gallery:
martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017
Minion Attack on Titan
Hace poco que he descubierto que mi sobrina es aficionada a Ataque a los Titanes. Me sorprende porque no creí que tuviera ese tipo de gusto hacia los animes japoneses. En cierta medida no puedo dejar de sentirme orgulloso de su buen gusto. He decidido regalarle un minion vestido como uno de los personajes, con su equipo de maniobras verticales incluido. He tenido que modificar mi antiguo diseño adaptándolo a nuevas piezas y nuevas necesidades. Estoy contento con el resultado, espero que ella también lo esté.
I recently discovered that my niece is fan of Attack on Titan. It surprises me because I did’t think she had that kind of taste for Japanese animes. To a certain extent I can not help feeling proud of her good taste. I have decided to give her for Christmas a minion dressed as one of the characters, with his vertical maneuvering equipment included. I had to modify my old design adapting it to new parts and new needs. I'm happy with the result, I hope she is too.
lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017
Santa Claus
Se acerca la Navidad. No hace falta que John Snow te lo recuerde. Solo tienes que visitar tus sitios preferidos de internet para que el espíritu navideño intente invadirte. Uno de nuestros suministradores de LEGO(R) habituales es este señor de rojo. Nuestros familiares, a veces reticentes a nuestro hobby, han descubierto en él la solución sencilla a la eterna pregunta: ¿Y qué le regalo yo ahora? Vincentkiew nos trae una fantástica reproducción de Santa Claus que seguro que él mismo no dudaría en regalarse.
Christmas is coming. You don’t need John Snow to remind you of that. You just have to visit your favorite internet sites so that the Christmas spirit tries to invade you. One of our usual LEGO(R) suppliers is this man in red. Our relatives, sometimes reticent to our hobby, have discovered in it the simple solution to the eternal question: And what do I give him for Christmas? Vincentkiew brings us a fantastic reproduction of Santa Claus that surely Santa would not hesitate to give himself for Christmas.
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Beach party transistor
Una tendencia que cada vez tiene más auge es la de imitar objetos de la vida cotidiana. Ya que estás copiando un modelo y la creatividad abstracta queda en un segundo plano, el arte está en encontrar las piezas que te permitirán imitar esos rasgos inconfundibles del objeto que intentas imitar. Sven Franic nos deja boquiabiertos con su fantástico transistor. Difícil distinguirlo de uno de verdad sin ver la foto en detalle.
A trend that is increasingly booming is to imitate everyday objects. Since you are copying a model and abstract creativity is in the background, the art is in finding the parts that will allow you to build those unmistakable features of the object you are trying to imitate. Sven Franic leaves us speechless with his fantastic transistor. Difficult to distinguish it from a real one without seeing the photo in detail.
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A trend that is increasingly booming is to imitate everyday objects. Since you are copying a model and abstract creativity is in the background, the art is in finding the parts that will allow you to build those unmistakable features of the object you are trying to imitate. Sven Franic leaves us speechless with his fantastic transistor. Difficult to distinguish it from a real one without seeing the photo in detail.
Author’s gallery:
jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017
Manx Military Vehicles
Es fácil dejarse embelesar por grandes construcciones que llenan nuestra pantalla y nuestros ojos, sin embargo existe una base muy sólida de construcciones en escala micro. Karf Oohlu nos trae una serie de fantasticos vehículos que, aún en una escala tan reducida, están llenos de detalles. Viéndolos siento unas ganas casi irrefrenables de sentarme en el suelo y jugar con ellos. Una pequeña maravilla.
It is easy to be enraptured by large constructions that fill our screen and our eyes, however there is a very solid base of constructions in micro scale. Karf Oohlu brings us a series of fantastic vehicles that, even on such a small scale, are full of details. Watching them I feel an almost unstoppable desire to sit on the floor and play with them. A little wonder.
Author’s gallery:
It is easy to be enraptured by large constructions that fill our screen and our eyes, however there is a very solid base of constructions in micro scale. Karf Oohlu brings us a series of fantastic vehicles that, even on such a small scale, are full of details. Watching them I feel an almost unstoppable desire to sit on the floor and play with them. A little wonder.
Author’s gallery:
miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017
Gumball machine
Siempre hay una parte en cada MOC que define la escala de nuestra construcción. Encuentras esa pieza especial que da sentido a toda tu creación y diseñas y construyes todo a su alrededor. hace un trabajo increíble alrededor de la esfera que LEGO utilizó en la línea basada en Jurasic World, para mostrarnos esta fantástica máquina de chicles. Una delicia.
There is always a part in each MOC that defines the scale of our construction. You find that special piece that gives meaning to all your creation and you design and build everything around it. does an amazing job around the sphere that LEGO used in the Jurassic World theme, to show us this fantastic Gumball machine. A sweet delight.
Author’s gallery:
There is always a part in each MOC that defines the scale of our construction. You find that special piece that gives meaning to all your creation and you design and build everything around it. does an amazing job around the sphere that LEGO used in the Jurassic World theme, to show us this fantastic Gumball machine. A sweet delight.
Author’s gallery:
lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017
Dans les rues de Paris
Los videojuegos se han convertido en parte de nuestra cultura, y la calidad de algunos de ellos parecen reafirmar de que se trata de un nuevo tipo de arte. Por supuesto los fantásticos constructores que pueblan la red no han dejado pasar esta nueva fuente de inspiración. No soy fan de Assassins Creed pero tengo muchos amigos que sí, así que conozco la franquicia aunque solo sea por ósmosis. Todo esto me permite admirar la fantástica escena de Wookieewarrior. Un edificio fantástico, unas minifigs sobresalientes..., lo tiene todo para una escena llena de acción a punto de desencadenarse.
Videogames have become part of our culture, and the quality of some of them seems to reaffirm that it is a new kind of art. Of course the fantastic builders who populate the network have not missed this new source of inspiration. I'm not a fan of Assassins Creed but I have many friends who do, so I know the franchise only by osmosis. Anyway this allows me to admire the fantastic scene by Wookieewarrior. A fantastic building, some outstanding minifigs ..., it has everything for a scene full of action about to start.
Author’s gallery:
Videogames have become part of our culture, and the quality of some of them seems to reaffirm that it is a new kind of art. Of course the fantastic builders who populate the network have not missed this new source of inspiration. I'm not a fan of Assassins Creed but I have many friends who do, so I know the franchise only by osmosis. Anyway this allows me to admire the fantastic scene by Wookieewarrior. A fantastic building, some outstanding minifigs ..., it has everything for a scene full of action about to start.
Author’s gallery:
viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017
Christmas dreams
La Navidad está llegando y muchos niños, y no tan niños, sueñan con ella. LEGO 7 ha dado forma a alguno de sus sueños con esta preciosa escena. Es difícil meter más Navidad en menos sitio. Fantástico.
Christmas is coming and many children, and not so young ones, dream about it. LEGO 7 has shaped some of those dreams with this beautiful scene. It is difficult to put more Christmas in less space. Fantastic.
Author’s gallery:
Christmas is coming and many children, and not so young ones, dream about it. LEGO 7 has shaped some of those dreams with this beautiful scene. It is difficult to put more Christmas in less space. Fantastic.
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Blue Auk
Últimamente me he sorprendido a mi mismo rehaciendo viejos MOCS con nuevas piezas que han aparecido en los últimos años. No deja de ser sorprendente como una pieza nueva puede inspirarte para construir cosas nuevas o mejorar algunos de tus MOCS favoritos. Tim Goddard parece que ha recibido la inspiración de un nuevo cockpit en color trans yellow. Y señores, bendita inspiración la que ha tenido. Space Classic nunca deja de reinventarse en manos de genios como él.
Lately I have surprised myself by remaking old MOCS with new parts that have appeared in recent years. It is surprising how a new piece can inspire you to build new things or improve some of your favorite MOCS. Tim Goddard seems to have received the inspiration of a new cockpit in trans yellow. And gentlemen, blessed inspiration that he has had. Classic Space never stops reinventing itself in the hands of geniuses like him.
Author’s gallery:
Lately I have surprised myself by remaking old MOCS with new parts that have appeared in recent years. It is surprising how a new piece can inspire you to build new things or improve some of your favorite MOCS. Tim Goddard seems to have received the inspiration of a new cockpit in trans yellow. And gentlemen, blessed inspiration that he has had. Classic Space never stops reinventing itself in the hands of geniuses like him.
Author’s gallery:
Tan importante como la habilidad para transformar tus ideas en creaciones, o como conocer la cada vez más amplia paleta de piezas, es ser capaz de tener ideas originales que sean capaces de destacar entre la gran cantidad de creaciones que surgen cada día en la red. Timofey_tkachev nos sorprende de nuevo con un planteamiento de una escena prácticamente vertical. Su ejecución es magnífica y el resultado visual brillante.
As important as the ability to transform your ideas into creations, or to know the increasingly broad palette of parts, is to be able to have original ideas that are able to stand out from the large number of creations that arise every day on the network. Timofey_tkachev surprises us again with an approach of a practically vertical scene. Its execution is magnificent and the visual result brilliant.
Author’s gallery:
As important as the ability to transform your ideas into creations, or to know the increasingly broad palette of parts, is to be able to have original ideas that are able to stand out from the large number of creations that arise every day on the network. Timofey_tkachev surprises us again with an approach of a practically vertical scene. Its execution is magnificent and the visual result brilliant.
Author’s gallery:
martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017
Barn Find
Los aficionados a los coches soñamos con encontrar olvidada en un oscuro garaje o granero, una antigua joya del automovilismo esperando ser descubierta y restaurada. Los aficionados a LEGO(R) soñamos con encontrar un set de los años 70 u 80 en perfecto estado, perdido en una vieja juguetería o en el desván de algún amigo. Son ese tipo de sucesos que te hacen sentir afortunado por un día. Norton74 sin duda sabe de qué estoy hablando. Para muestra, su última creación, como siempre llena de detalles, tanto en el granero como en el Bugatti.
Car enthusiasts dream of finding an ancient jewel of motorsports forgotten in a dark garage or barn, waiting to be discovered and restored. LEGO(R) fans dream of finding a set from the 70s or 80s in perfect condition, lost in an old toy store or in the attic of a friend. They are those kinds of events that make you feel lucky for a day. Norton74 certainly knows what I'm talking about. To show, his latest creation, as always full of details, both in the barn and in the Bugatti.
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Car enthusiasts dream of finding an ancient jewel of motorsports forgotten in a dark garage or barn, waiting to be discovered and restored. LEGO(R) fans dream of finding a set from the 70s or 80s in perfect condition, lost in an old toy store or in the attic of a friend. They are those kinds of events that make you feel lucky for a day. Norton74 certainly knows what I'm talking about. To show, his latest creation, as always full of details, both in the barn and in the Bugatti.
Author’s gallery:
Uno de los mejores blogs sobre el mundo LEGO(R), BrickNerd, organiza un año más un original concurso en el que debes caracterizar a su mascota. El tema este año son los años 80, madre mía, que recuerdos. Si tu también tienes increíbles recuerdos de esa apoca, o no (para eso está internet), participa y muestra tus habilidades con los ladrillos LEGO. Además, aunque no sea importante, hay fabulosos premios.
One of the best blogs about the LEGO(R) world, BrickNerd, organizes an original contest in which you must characterize its mascot. The theme this year is the 80s, OMG, what memories!!. If you also have incredible memories of that apoca, or not (that's what the internet is for), participate and show your skills with the LEGO parts. Also, although it is not important, there are fabulous prizes.
More information:
One of the best blogs about the LEGO(R) world, BrickNerd, organizes an original contest in which you must characterize its mascot. The theme this year is the 80s, OMG, what memories!!. If you also have incredible memories of that apoca, or not (that's what the internet is for), participate and show your skills with the LEGO parts. Also, although it is not important, there are fabulous prizes.
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sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017
Death Trooper
No soy fan de las figuras articuladas que LEGO(R) ha lanzado últimamente con personajes de superhéroes y STAR WARS(TM), pero la verdad es cuando veo el fantástico trabajo de nobu_tary mi fe comienza a tambalearse. He tenido que fijarme bien en los detalles para confirmar que era LEGO. Así es como debería lucir una figura articulada de LEGO.
I'm not a fan of the articulated figures that LEGO(R) has released lately with superhero and STAR WARS(TM) characters, but the truth is when I see the fantastic work of nobu_tary my faith begins to falter. I had to pay attention to the details to confirm that it was LEGO. This is what an articulated LEGO figure should look like.
Author’s gallery:
I'm not a fan of the articulated figures that LEGO(R) has released lately with superhero and STAR WARS(TM) characters, but the truth is when I see the fantastic work of nobu_tary my faith begins to falter. I had to pay attention to the details to confirm that it was LEGO. This is what an articulated LEGO figure should look like.
Author’s gallery:
jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017
Porsche 956
- ¿Otro Porsche de LEGO(R)?
- Si
- ¿Tan pronto? Hace poco que hablaste de otro Porsche.
- Si
- Ahora que lo miro, ¿estás seguro de que esta hecho con ladrillos LEGO?
- Pues si, aunque no te culpo por dudarlo.
- Parece increíble a esa escala, ¿verdad?
- La verdad es que Manuel Cara ha hecho un trabajo impresionante. Esa escala, esas curvas, ese uso tan inteligente de las piezas...
- Así que otro Porsche...
- Si, y no me arrepiento.
- Another LEGO(R) Porsche?
- Yes
- As soon? You recently talked about another Porsche.
- Yes
- Now that I look at it, are you sure it's made with LEGO parts?
- Well yes, although I do not blame you for doubting it.
- It seems incredible on that scale, right?
- The truth is that Manuel Cara has done an impressive job. That scale, those curves, that intelligent use of the parts...
- So another Porsche...
- Yes, and I do not regret it.
Author’s gallery:
- Si
- ¿Tan pronto? Hace poco que hablaste de otro Porsche.
- Si
- Ahora que lo miro, ¿estás seguro de que esta hecho con ladrillos LEGO?
- Pues si, aunque no te culpo por dudarlo.
- Parece increíble a esa escala, ¿verdad?
- La verdad es que Manuel Cara ha hecho un trabajo impresionante. Esa escala, esas curvas, ese uso tan inteligente de las piezas...
- Así que otro Porsche...
- Si, y no me arrepiento.
- Another LEGO(R) Porsche?
- Yes
- As soon? You recently talked about another Porsche.
- Yes
- Now that I look at it, are you sure it's made with LEGO parts?
- Well yes, although I do not blame you for doubting it.
- It seems incredible on that scale, right?
- The truth is that Manuel Cara has done an impressive job. That scale, those curves, that intelligent use of the parts...
- So another Porsche...
- Yes, and I do not regret it.
Author’s gallery:
domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017
A light leading us home
Una de las principales características que hacen a los ladrillos LEGO(R) atractivos a los más pequeños de la casa es su colorido. Desde los colores básicos de sus inicios (todos recordamos aquella especie de código de barras multicolor que decoraba las cajas) a la multitud de tonos que componen las paleta actual, el color siempre ha sido una parte importante de nuestros MOCS. O no. Tim Schwalfenger nos trae un faro construido en blanco y negro, y el dramatismo que esto añade al espectacular diseño, lo hace sobresalir como una creación espectacular. Tanto la presentacion como el diseño cilíndrico de la torre es sobresaliente. Mientras escribía esto mi mujer me ha preguntado incrédula si estaba construido con LEGO. Cuando le he dicho que si me ha mirado incrédula. Pues eso.
One of the main features that make LEGO(R) bricks attractive to the little ones of the house is their color. From the basic colors of its beginnings (we all remember that kind of multicolored bar code that decorated the boxes) to the multitude of tones that make up the current palette, color has always been an important part of our MOCS. Or not. Tim Schwalfenger brings us a lighthouse built in black and white, and the drama that adds to the spectacular design, makes it stand out as a spectacular creation. Both the presentation and the cylindrical design of the tower are outstanding. While writing this, my wife asked incredulously if it was built with LEGO. When I answered “yes”, she looked at me incredulously. Well, all it’s said.
Author’s gallery:
One of the main features that make LEGO(R) bricks attractive to the little ones of the house is their color. From the basic colors of its beginnings (we all remember that kind of multicolored bar code that decorated the boxes) to the multitude of tones that make up the current palette, color has always been an important part of our MOCS. Or not. Tim Schwalfenger brings us a lighthouse built in black and white, and the drama that adds to the spectacular design, makes it stand out as a spectacular creation. Both the presentation and the cylindrical design of the tower are outstanding. While writing this, my wife asked incredulously if it was built with LEGO. When I answered “yes”, she looked at me incredulously. Well, all it’s said.
Author’s gallery:
A veces los complementos marcan la diferencia. Lo saben las mujeres y también los piratas. LEGO 7 nos trae una maravillosa interpretación del pirata Barba Negra, en la que no solo destaca la figura en si, con un diseño de primera clase, si no también la serie de complementos que la acompañan y detalles que la acompañan. Lo dicho, una maravilla.
Sometimes complements make the difference. Women know it and also the pirates do. LEGO 7 brings us a wonderful interpretation of the pirate Blackbeard, in which not only highlights the figure itself, with a first class design, but also the series of accessories and details that accompany it. Just wonderful.
Author’s gallery:
sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017
Porsche 911 (1964)
Una de las marcas míticas en el mundo del automovilismo es Porsche. Y probablemente su modelo 911 Sea el principal culpable de ello. Hay muchas versiones con ladrillos LEGO(R) de casi todas las versiones de este coche, incluyendo una versión Technic de la propia compañía LEGO. Sin embargo, Serge S nos trae una bellísima réplica del modelo de 1964. Un proyecto que le ha llevado, nada más y nada menos, un año. ¿Ha merecido la pena la inversión de tiempo en el proyecto? Para nosotros la respuesta es clara. Si. Conseguir esas formas, esas curvas, con nuestros queridos ladrillos dan idea de su calidad como constructor. Enhorabuena.
One of the mythical brands in the world of motorsports is Porsche. And probably the 911 model is the main culprit of it. There are many versions with LEGO(R) bricks from almost all versions of this car, including a Technic version of the LEGO company itself. However, Serge S brings us a beautiful replica of the 1964 model. A project that has taken him, nothing more and nothing less, a year. Was it worth the investment of time in the project? For us the answer is clear. Yes. Getting those shapes, those curves, with our beloved bricks give an idea of his quality as a builder. Congratulations.
Author’s gallery:
One of the mythical brands in the world of motorsports is Porsche. And probably the 911 model is the main culprit of it. There are many versions with LEGO(R) bricks from almost all versions of this car, including a Technic version of the LEGO company itself. However, Serge S brings us a beautiful replica of the 1964 model. A project that has taken him, nothing more and nothing less, a year. Was it worth the investment of time in the project? For us the answer is clear. Yes. Getting those shapes, those curves, with our beloved bricks give an idea of his quality as a builder. Congratulations.
Author’s gallery:
viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017
Not all the castles are the same
Seguro que si nos ponen delante una hoja en blanco y nos piden que dibujemos un castillo, todos, más o menos, dibujaríamos la misma construcción estándar con sus almenas, torreones, puente y foso. Pero a lo largo y ancho de Europa hay multitud de ejemplos de castillos que no siguen esa estructura, ya que fueron construidos para distintos propósitos o con distintos presupuestos. Jaapxaap nos trae un ejemplo de un castillo diferente. Sus magníficos tejados a distintas alturas y los ángulos de sus torres le dan un aspecto original y muy bello.
I’m sure that if someone puts a blank sheet in front of us and asks us to draw a castle, we would all, more or less, draw the same standard construction with its battlements, towers, bridge and moat. But throughout Europe there are many examples of castles that do not follow this structure, since they were built for different purposes or with different budgets. Jaapxaap brings us an example of a different castle. Its magnificent roofs at different heights and the angles of its towers give it an original and very beautiful look.
Author’s gallery:
I’m sure that if someone puts a blank sheet in front of us and asks us to draw a castle, we would all, more or less, draw the same standard construction with its battlements, towers, bridge and moat. But throughout Europe there are many examples of castles that do not follow this structure, since they were built for different purposes or with different budgets. Jaapxaap brings us an example of a different castle. Its magnificent roofs at different heights and the angles of its towers give it an original and very beautiful look.
Author’s gallery:
jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017
Just a quick stop... or maybe not
Una de las imágenes más emblemáticas en las películas americanas de los años 60 son las preciosas gasolineras que adornaban las carreteras de la época. Eran tiempos en los que los viajes por carretera eran largos y las paradas para repostar se convertían en un ritual donde se daba servicio completo, algo que difícilmente se puede encontrar ahora. Andrea Lattanzio (Norton74) nos traslada a esa época en este precioso diorama al que no le falta detalle.
One of the most iconic images in the American films of the 60's are the beautiful gas stations that adorned the roads at that time. Those were times when road trips were long and unhurry, and refueling stops became a ritual where full service was given, something that can hardly be found now. Andrea Lattanzio (Norton74) moves us to that time in this precious diorama full of details.
Author’s gallery:
One of the most iconic images in the American films of the 60's are the beautiful gas stations that adorned the roads at that time. Those were times when road trips were long and unhurry, and refueling stops became a ritual where full service was given, something that can hardly be found now. Andrea Lattanzio (Norton74) moves us to that time in this precious diorama full of details.
Author’s gallery:
domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017
Hay en el mundo una gran cantidad de genios capaces de construir arte con ladrillos LEGO(R). Y luego existen unos pocos capaces de hacer arte a partir de construcciones con LEGO. Puede parecer lo mismo, pero no lo es. Si no tienes muy claro un ejemplo de de esto último solo tienes que visitar la galería de Vesa Lehtimäki. Te aseguro que te pasarás mucho tiempo observando sus fotografías y composiciones y llegarás a la conclusión de que uno puede encontrar arte hasta en los más fríos y recónditos rincones de Hoth.
There are a lot of geniuses in the world capable of building art with LEGO(R) bricks. And then there are a few geniuses capable of making art from constructions with LEGO. It may look the same, but it is not. If you cannot think about an example of this, you only have to visit the gallery of Vesa Lehtimäki. I assure you that you will spend a lot of time observing his photographs and compositions and you will come to the conclusion that one can find art even in the coldest and most hidden corners of Hoth.
Author’s gallery:
There are a lot of geniuses in the world capable of building art with LEGO(R) bricks. And then there are a few geniuses capable of making art from constructions with LEGO. It may look the same, but it is not. If you cannot think about an example of this, you only have to visit the gallery of Vesa Lehtimäki. I assure you that you will spend a lot of time observing his photographs and compositions and you will come to the conclusion that one can find art even in the coldest and most hidden corners of Hoth.
Author’s gallery:
lunes, 2 de octubre de 2017
Size matters
Pues si, digan lo que digan, el tamaño importa. Y a veces es difícil calcular el tamaño de un objeto a partir de una fotografía si no existe algo que nos sirva de referencia. Gracias a este fenómeno, estás fantásticas creaciones por Carl Merriam, Toothdominoes y Milan CMadge, pasan de ser grandes a colosales.
Well, whatever you say, size matters. And sometimes it is difficult to calculate the size of an object from a photograph if there is nothing that serves as a reference. Thanks to this phenomenon, these fantastic creations by Carl Merriam,Toothdominoes and Milan CMadge, go from being large to colossal.
Well, whatever you say, size matters. And sometimes it is difficult to calculate the size of an object from a photograph if there is nothing that serves as a reference. Thanks to this phenomenon, these fantastic creations by Carl Merriam,Toothdominoes and Milan CMadge, go from being large to colossal.
lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017
2780 Moon Rover
A veces, huir de lo sencillo es la mejor forma de ser original. Este Moon Rover por David Hensel es un claro ejemplo. ¿Quién necesita neumáticos si puedes fabricarte tus propias ruedas? Me da la impresión de que montarlas debe haber sido una pequeña pesadilla pero el resultado es visualmente increíble. El diseño de la cabina resulta muy realista, y junto a la iluminación de la fotografía, da como resultado un fantástico MOC.
Sometimes, running away from the simple is the best way to be original. This Moon Rover by David Hensel is a clear example. Who needs tires if you can make your own wheels? I get the impression that building them must have been a little nightmare, but the result is visually incredible. The design of the cabin is very realistic, and together with the illumination of photography, results in a fantastic MOC.
Author´s gallery:
Sometimes, running away from the simple is the best way to be original. This Moon Rover by David Hensel is a clear example. Who needs tires if you can make your own wheels? I get the impression that building them must have been a little nightmare, but the result is visually incredible. The design of the cabin is very realistic, and together with the illumination of photography, results in a fantastic MOC.
Author´s gallery:
sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017
LL928 / LL929
Sin duda, de todas las líneas que LEGO ha abandonado a lo largo del tiempo, LEGO Space Classic es la que más añoro. Y por lo que se puede ver en internet, también es la más recordada por muchos constructores. LEGO hizo un guiño a sus seguidores hace unos años a raíz de The LEGO Movie, pero se quedó solo en eso. Viendo las bellezas que se pueden encontrar en la red Space Classic y Neo Space Classic, casi parece increíble que LEGO no se haya rendido a la evidencia y haya resucitado la línea. Hay muchos constructores que podrían servir de ejemplo de renovación de la línea, y todos ellos estoy seguro que aparecerán aquí tarde o temprano, pero hoy os traemos las fantásticas construcciones de ZCerberus, disfrutad de maestría. ¡Traed de vuelta el Space Classic!
Without a doubt, of all the themes that LEGO(R) has abandoned over time, LEGO Space Classic is the one that I miss the most. And from what you can see on the internet, it is also the most remembered by many builders. LEGO winked at his followers a few years ago as a result of The LEGO Movie, but was left alone in that. Seeing the beauties that can be found in the net about Space Classic and Neo Space Classic, it almost seems incredible that LEGO has not surrendered to the evidence and resurrected the line. There are many builders who could serve as examples of renewing the theme, and I'm sure that all of them will appear here sooner or later, but today we bring you the fantastic constructions of ZCerberus, enjoy his fantastic work. Bring back the Space Classic!
Author's gallery:
Without a doubt, of all the themes that LEGO(R) has abandoned over time, LEGO Space Classic is the one that I miss the most. And from what you can see on the internet, it is also the most remembered by many builders. LEGO winked at his followers a few years ago as a result of The LEGO Movie, but was left alone in that. Seeing the beauties that can be found in the net about Space Classic and Neo Space Classic, it almost seems incredible that LEGO has not surrendered to the evidence and resurrected the line. There are many builders who could serve as examples of renewing the theme, and I'm sure that all of them will appear here sooner or later, but today we bring you the fantastic constructions of ZCerberus, enjoy his fantastic work. Bring back the Space Classic!
Author's gallery:
viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017
Wanderer's Islands
A veces recorriendo las fotos de nuevas creaciones en internet, te das cuenta de que la originalidad está muy por encima de la media entre los constructores con ladrillos LEGO(R). Parece infinita la capacidad de crear nuevos mundos, de dar nuevo uso a las distintas piezas, ... Aún así, a veces te encuentras con dioramas como este de NeverEnoughLego y te dejas sorprender y recrear por su originalidad y sus detalles.
Sometimes, going through the photos of new creations on the internet, you realize that the originality is above the average between the builders with LEGO(R) bricks. It seems infinite the ability to create new worlds, to give new use to different parts ... Still, sometimes you come across displays like this of NeverEnoughLego and you let yourself surprise and recreate for its originality and details.
Author's gallery:
Sometimes, going through the photos of new creations on the internet, you realize that the originality is above the average between the builders with LEGO(R) bricks. It seems infinite the ability to create new worlds, to give new use to different parts ... Still, sometimes you come across displays like this of NeverEnoughLego and you let yourself surprise and recreate for its originality and details.
Author's gallery:
miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017
A little corner of Italy
Uno de los detalles importantes de todo diorama es ser capaces de dotarlos de "vida". Que lo que ve el espectador no es una foto fija, sino que parezca que está dotado de movimiento, que están subiendo cosas. Luca di Lazzaro nos muestra un claro ejemplo sobre dotar de vida un diorama en su fantástica recreación de una esquina típica de un pueblo de Italia. Disfrutad de todos sus detalles.
One of the most important details of every display is being able to endow them with "life". That what the viewer sees is not a still picture, but seems to be endowed with movement and things are coming up. Luca di Lazzaro shows us a clear example of giving life to a display in his fantastic recreation of a typical corner of a town in Italy. Enjoy all its details.
Author's gallery:
One of the most important details of every display is being able to endow them with "life". That what the viewer sees is not a still picture, but seems to be endowed with movement and things are coming up. Luca di Lazzaro shows us a clear example of giving life to a display in his fantastic recreation of a typical corner of a town in Italy. Enjoy all its details.
Author's gallery:
lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017
HispaBrick Magazine 028
Cuando hace un montón de años se me ocurrió la idea de crear una revista sobre ladrillos LEGO(R), mis expectativas eran mucho más modestas de lo que finalmente ha resultado ser HispaBrick Magazine. Aunque para bien y para mal, ya no sea su editor, aún siento un punto de orgullo al ver que la revista sigue siendo un referente en calidad, contenido y alma (si, las revistas tienen algo parecido al alma). Y todo ello gratis, sin publicidad. Puedes descargarte este número y todos los anteriores aquí.
When a lot of years ago I came up with the idea of creating a magazine about LEGO(R) bricks, my expectations were much more modest than what has finally turned out to be HispaBrick Magazine(R). Although for good and for bad, I'm no longer its editor, I still feel a point of pride to see that the magazine is still a reference in quality, content and soul (yes, magazines have something like the soul). And all for free, without advertising. You can download this number and all of the previous ones here.
When a lot of years ago I came up with the idea of creating a magazine about LEGO(R) bricks, my expectations were much more modest than what has finally turned out to be HispaBrick Magazine(R). Although for good and for bad, I'm no longer its editor, I still feel a point of pride to see that the magazine is still a reference in quality, content and soul (yes, magazines have something like the soul). And all for free, without advertising. You can download this number and all of the previous ones here.
sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2017
Septiembre, el mes de las naves espaciales de más de 100 studs, avanza rápidamente y las fotos de trabajos en proceso han dejado su lugar a fotos de modelos terminados. El maestro de la Ciencia a Ficción Simon Liu nos deleita con esta fantástica nave de combate. Su esquema de color y cómo fluyen los ángulos de su casco son todo una lección de estilo. No me gustaría cruzarme con esta fantástica nave a bordo de mi pequeño caza...
September, the month of spaceships over 100 studs, is moving fast, and photos of work in progress have left room for finished model photos. Science Fiction Master Simon Liu delights us with this fantastic combat Spaceship. The color scheme and how the angles of the hull flow are all a lesson in style. I would not want to cross my way with this fantastic ship aboard my little fighter...
Author's gallery:
Discussion group:
September, the month of spaceships over 100 studs, is moving fast, and photos of work in progress have left room for finished model photos. Science Fiction Master Simon Liu delights us with this fantastic combat Spaceship. The color scheme and how the angles of the hull flow are all a lesson in style. I would not want to cross my way with this fantastic ship aboard my little fighter...
Author's gallery:
Discussion group:
miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017
Classic Castle Reloaded
Uno de mis sueños es un gigantesco diorama de Classic Castle lleno de construcciones con la calidad y el detalle de esta fantástica torre por ~The Maestro. La torre y el tejado son fantásticos, pero el muro medio derruido de la izquierda me parece soberbio. ¡¡Castle UCS ya!!
One of my dreams is a giant display of Classic Castle full of constructions with the quality and detail of this fantastic tower by ~The Maestro. The tower and the roof are fantastic, but the half-collapsed wall on the left is superb. Castle UCS now!!
Author's gallery:
One of my dreams is a giant display of Classic Castle full of constructions with the quality and detail of this fantastic tower by ~The Maestro. The tower and the roof are fantastic, but the half-collapsed wall on the left is superb. Castle UCS now!!
Author's gallery:
domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2017
Un Transformer que no se transforma puede sonar un poco decepcionante, pero cuando te encuentras con una belleza como este Bumblebee construido por César Soares, uno se olvida de que debería transformarse en un Camaro. Ningún Camaro podría resultar tan excitante a la vista como esta compleja pieza de maquinaria de un planeta lejano. No se transforma en un Camaro, bien, no lo necesita.
A Transformer that does not transform may sound a bit disappointing, but when you come across a beauty like this Bumblebee built by Cesar Soares, one forgets that it should transform into a Camaro. No Camaro could be as exciting to look at as this complex piece of machinery from a distant planet. It does not transform into a Camaro, well, it does not need it.
Author's gallery:
A Transformer that does not transform may sound a bit disappointing, but when you come across a beauty like this Bumblebee built by Cesar Soares, one forgets that it should transform into a Camaro. No Camaro could be as exciting to look at as this complex piece of machinery from a distant planet. It does not transform into a Camaro, well, it does not need it.
Author's gallery:
domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2017
Instructions: Rose
No se marchitan y las puedes hacer en diferentes colores. Ya no tienes disculpa para demostrarle que tu amor es para siempre (mientras no le de mucho la luz del sol). Puedes descargar las instrucciones aquí. Recuerda que para algunos colores tendrás que variar un poco el diseño, si tienes dudas no dudes en contactarnos.
They don´t wilt and you can make them in different colors. You no longer have a reason to hide that your love is forever (as long as the rose doesn´t get much sunlight). You can download the instructions here. Remember that for some colors you will have to vary the design a little, if you have doubts do not hesitate to contact us.
They don´t wilt and you can make them in different colors. You no longer have a reason to hide that your love is forever (as long as the rose doesn´t get much sunlight). You can download the instructions here. Remember that for some colors you will have to vary the design a little, if you have doubts do not hesitate to contact us.
miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017
The essence of the LEGO(R) bricks
Para mi, construir modelos alternativos con las piezas de una caja siempre será la verdadera esencia de esta afición. De pequeño, mi primer recuerdo es del set número 40, con el que corrí miles de aventuras hasta que los sets de Classic Space entraron en mi vida. Tener que construir lo que estaba en mi imaginación con el limitado surtido de uno o un par de sets es parte de mi infancia y de lo que LEGO hizo por mí desarrollo imaginativo. Serge S es uno de los creadores que ha hecho de esta modalidad un arte. Solo hay que visitar su galería para darse cuenta del potencial encerrado en cada set de LEGO. Aquí os dejo solo un par de ejemplos.
For me, building alternative models with the parts of a set will always be the true essence of this hobby. As a child, my first memory is the set number 40, with which I ran thousands of adventures until Classic Space sets came into my life. Having to build what was in my imagination with the limited assortment of one or a couple of sets is part of my childhood and what LEGO did for my imaginative development. Serge S is one of the creators who has made this modality an art. Just one visit to his gallery is enough to realize the potential locked in each set of LEGO. Here are just a few examples.
Author's gallery:
For me, building alternative models with the parts of a set will always be the true essence of this hobby. As a child, my first memory is the set number 40, with which I ran thousands of adventures until Classic Space sets came into my life. Having to build what was in my imagination with the limited assortment of one or a couple of sets is part of my childhood and what LEGO did for my imaginative development. Serge S is one of the creators who has made this modality an art. Just one visit to his gallery is enough to realize the potential locked in each set of LEGO. Here are just a few examples.
Author's gallery:
domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017
1935 Duesenberg SJ Dual Cowl Phaeton
En el mundo del automóvil, cada marca tiene asociadas en nuestra mente una serie de características que definen para nosotros los coches que fabrica. He de confesar que solo había oído hablar de la marca Duesenberg dos o tres veces, y que no tenía en mi mente ninguna imagen de sus coches. Por eso me ha alegrado poder admirar el fantástico modelo construido por Bricksonwheels y conocer algo más de su historia gracias al texto con el que acompaña las fotos. El modelo es espectacular tanto en su diseño como en los detalles incluidos. Hay que pararse a mirar para darse cuenta de que esta hecho con ladrillos LEGO(R).
In the world of the automobile, each brand has associated in our mind a series of characteristics that define for us the cars that it manufactures. I confess that I had only heard about the Duesenberg brand two or three times, and that I had no image of its cars in my mind. That's why I was happy to admire the fantastic model built by Bricksonwheels and know more about its history thanks to the text accompanying the photos. The model is spectacular in both its design and the details included. You have to stop and look to see that it is made of LEGO(R) parts.
Author's gallery:
Red Turtle
Esta pequeña obra de arte está coproducida por Studio Ghibli. Se trata de una historia sin diálogos en la que sorprende la sobriedad de sus dibujos. El modelo es sencillo y recomiendo cambiar los ojos, usando los nuevos que aparecen en los sets de Brickheadz. Puedes encontrar las instrucciones aquí.
This small work of art is co-produced by Studio Ghibli. It is a story without dialogue in which the sobriety of his drawings surprises. It´s an easy model and I recommend changing the eyes, using the new ones that appear in the Brickheadz sets. You can find the instructions here.
This small work of art is co-produced by Studio Ghibli. It is a story without dialogue in which the sobriety of his drawings surprises. It´s an easy model and I recommend changing the eyes, using the new ones that appear in the Brickheadz sets. You can find the instructions here.
viernes, 25 de agosto de 2017
A different Thanksgiving
Estamos aún lejos de Acción de Gracias, pero estoy seguro que este MOC de timofey_tkachev hará dudar a más de uno a la hora de trinchar el pavo... Esperemos que las patatas no sean tan belicosas.
We are still far from Thanksgiving, but I am sure that this MOC from timofey_tkachev will make more than one doubt when it comes to carving the turkey ... Let's hope the potatoes are not so bellicose.
Author's gallery:
We are still far from Thanksgiving, but I am sure that this MOC from timofey_tkachev will make more than one doubt when it comes to carving the turkey ... Let's hope the potatoes are not so bellicose.
Author's gallery:
martes, 22 de agosto de 2017
Una gran creación puede quedar en el olvido sin unas fotografías de cierta calidad. Otras veces la propia fotografía es la que define el carácter de un MOC. Oliver Becker quería que su escena fuera un homenaje a la película Frankenstein de 1931 y sin lugar a dudas, en esta toma, nos transporta allí. Una escena muy detallada, con unas minifigs elegidas cuidadosamente y una fantástica fotografía dan como resultado esta maravilla visual.
A great creation can be forgotten without photographs of a certain quality. Other times, the photograph itself defines the character of a MOC. Oliver Becker wanted his scene to be a tribute to the Frankenstein film of 1931 and undoubtedly, in this shot, he transports us there. A very detailed scene, with carefully chosen minifigs and a fantastic photograph result in this visual wonder.
Author's gallery:
A great creation can be forgotten without photographs of a certain quality. Other times, the photograph itself defines the character of a MOC. Oliver Becker wanted his scene to be a tribute to the Frankenstein film of 1931 and undoubtedly, in this shot, he transports us there. A very detailed scene, with carefully chosen minifigs and a fantastic photograph result in this visual wonder.
Author's gallery:
lunes, 21 de agosto de 2017
Vintage Roadster
Galaktek nos muestra en su última creación que le gustan los retos:
Usar piezas raras: Hecho
Usar colores poco comunes: Hecho
Buscar ángulos complicados: Hecho
Que todo ello combine fantásticamente: Hecho
Este es el precioso roadster que ha creado.
Galaktek shows us in his last creation that he likes the challenges:
Use Rare Parts: Done
Use unusual colors: Done
Find Complicated Angles: Done
Combine all in a beautiful car: Done
This is the beautiful roadster that he has created.
Author's Gallery:
Usar piezas raras: Hecho
Usar colores poco comunes: Hecho
Buscar ángulos complicados: Hecho
Que todo ello combine fantásticamente: Hecho
Este es el precioso roadster que ha creado.
Galaktek shows us in his last creation that he likes the challenges:
Use Rare Parts: Done
Use unusual colors: Done
Find Complicated Angles: Done
Combine all in a beautiful car: Done
This is the beautiful roadster that he has created.
Author's Gallery:
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