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All instructions that you can find available for download on this page are for free. If you think that the work we have done deserves a compensation, make a donation, for the amount you want, to any NGO or charity foundation that works in favor of children. If you don´t mind, write us and let us know about it.

sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017

Porsche 911 (1964)

Una de las marcas míticas en el mundo del automovilismo es Porsche. Y probablemente su modelo 911 Sea el principal culpable de ello. Hay muchas versiones con ladrillos LEGO(R) de casi todas las versiones de este coche, incluyendo una versión Technic de la propia compañía LEGO. Sin embargo, Serge S nos trae una bellísima réplica del modelo de 1964. Un proyecto que le ha llevado, nada más y nada menos, un año. ¿Ha merecido la pena la inversión de tiempo en el proyecto? Para nosotros la respuesta es clara. Si. Conseguir esas formas, esas curvas, con nuestros queridos ladrillos dan idea de su calidad como constructor. Enhorabuena.

One of the mythical brands in the world of motorsports is Porsche. And probably the 911 model is the main culprit of it. There are many versions with LEGO(R) bricks from almost all versions of this car, including a Technic version of the LEGO company itself. However, Serge S brings us a beautiful replica of the 1964 model. A project that has taken him, nothing more and nothing less, a year. Was it worth the investment of time in the project? For us the answer is clear. Yes. Getting those shapes, those curves, with our beloved bricks give an idea of ​​his quality as a builder. Congratulations.

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