He tenido la suerte de visitar países como Noruega o Finlandia, donde tener una cabaña aislada en medio de la naturaleza forma parte de su forma de vida. Aquí en España parece que cuanta más gente mejor, una pena. Este tranquilo rincón por Cesar Soares es una delicia para todos los sentidos, llena de detalles constructivos y estéticos. Una creación para disfrutar en silencio...
I have been lucky enough to visit countries such as Norway or Finland, where having a secluded cabin in the middle of nature is part of their way of life. Here in Spain it seems that the more people better, a pity. This quiet corner by Cesar Soares is a delight for all the senses, full of constructive and aesthetic details. A creation to enjoy in silence ...
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124546590@N03/
Sobre la descarga de instrucciones/About downloading instructions
Todas las instrucciones que encontrarás disponibles para descargar en esta página son gratuitas. Si crees que el trabajo que hemos realizado merece un premio, haz una donación, por la cantidad que quieras, a cualquier ONG que trabaje en favor de los niños. Si no te importa escríbenos y cuéntanoslo.
All instructions that you can find available for download on this page are for free. If you think that the work we have done deserves a compensation, make a donation, for the amount you want, to any NGO or charity foundation that works in favor of children. If you don´t mind, write us and let us know about it.
sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2018
A Spaceman...
Me dije a mi mismo que no hablaría del aniversario de la minifig, pero después de ver la foto de Vesa Lehtimäki, he tenido que cambiar de planes. No puedo recordar cual fue mi primera minifig, o un astronauta de Space Classic o un policía. Lo que si recuerdo es que estos astronautas fueron mis compañeros de aventuras durante muchos años. Y si LEGO Star Wars hubiese existido en aquella época estoy seguro de que mis minifigs también hubiesen visitado a Jabba o a Darth Vader. El caso es que esta foto, a parte de la perfección técnica y una iluminación increíble, ha despertado una extraña nostalgia en mi...
I told myself that I would not talk about the anniversary of the minifig, but after seeing the photo of Vesa Lehtimäki, I have had to change my plans. I can not remember which was my first minifig, or a Space Classic spaceman or a policeman. What I do remember is that these astronauts were my adventure companions for many years. And if LEGO Star Wars had existed at that time I am sure that my minifigs would also have visited Jabba or Darth Vader. The fact is that this photo, apart from technical perfection and incredible lighting, has awakened a strange nostalgia in me...
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/avanaut/
I told myself that I would not talk about the anniversary of the minifig, but after seeing the photo of Vesa Lehtimäki, I have had to change my plans. I can not remember which was my first minifig, or a Space Classic spaceman or a policeman. What I do remember is that these astronauts were my adventure companions for many years. And if LEGO Star Wars had existed at that time I am sure that my minifigs would also have visited Jabba or Darth Vader. The fact is that this photo, apart from technical perfection and incredible lighting, has awakened a strange nostalgia in me...
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/avanaut/
viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018
Niffler love shiny things!
Esta pequeña criatura, que podría representar el espíritu de la avaricia humana, es un personaje de la película del universo de Harry Potter “Anímales Fantásticos y dónde encontrarlos”. No solo la fantástica criatura está muy bien conseguida, toda la escena está muy equilibrada y la maleta es un fantástico MOC por sí sola. Sin duda DOGOD Brick Design ha hecho un gran trabajo.
This little creature, which could represent the spirit of human greed, is a character from the Harry Potter universe movie "Fantastic Beasts and where to find them". Not only the fantastic creature is very well achieved, the whole scene is very balanced and the suitcase is a fantastic MOC on its own. Undoubtedly DOGOD Brick Design has done a great job.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ianhoy/
This little creature, which could represent the spirit of human greed, is a character from the Harry Potter universe movie "Fantastic Beasts and where to find them". Not only the fantastic creature is very well achieved, the whole scene is very balanced and the suitcase is a fantastic MOC on its own. Undoubtedly DOGOD Brick Design has done a great job.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ianhoy/
Volkswagen Beetle
Cuando intentas construir tu propia versión de un set de LEGO es porque estás seguro de poder mejorarlo. Lennart C ha realizado su propia versión del Volkswagen Beetle, y aunque se trata de una versión del modelo clásico, no del modelo playero que lanzó LEGO, está claro que visualmente se parece mucho más al modelo real. Fantástico trabajo.
When you try to build your own version of a LEGO set it’s because you are sure you can improve it. Lennart C has made its own version of the Volkswagen Beetle, and although it is a version of the classic model, not the beach model that LEGO launched, it’s clear that visually it looks much more like the real model. Fantastic job.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/49277037@N06/
When you try to build your own version of a LEGO set it’s because you are sure you can improve it. Lennart C has made its own version of the Volkswagen Beetle, and although it is a version of the classic model, not the beach model that LEGO launched, it’s clear that visually it looks much more like the real model. Fantastic job.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/49277037@N06/
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018
Night in the Attic Apartment
Si, es LEGO. No, en serio, es LEGO. Difícil de creer al primer vistazo, pero si te fijas y amplías un poco la imagen ahí está. Ahora puedes quedarte un rato observando los detalles. Increíble, ¿verdad?
Este rincón de un ático en algún lugar del mundo es obra de Heikki M.
Yes, it's LEGO. No, seriously, it's LEGO. Difficult to believe at first glance, but if you look and expand a bit the image is there. Now you can stay a while watching the details. Incredible true?
This corner of an attic somewhere in the world is the work of Heikki M.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128963861@N08/
1930 Bentley Blower
Si os gustan los modelos a escala de vehículos reales y además os gusta leer sobre el modelo y como lo ha construido no podéis dejar de visitar la galería de Bricksonwheels. No solo el modelo del Bentley es increíblemente bello, sino que además te obsequia con unos apuntes sobre su historia y sobre el modelo en sí. El verde oscuro de LEGO es realmente parecido al clásico verde inglés de competición. Una maravilla sobre ruedas.
If you like scale models of real vehicles and also like to read about the model and how it has been built, you cannot miss the Bricksonwheels gallery. Not only the model of the Bentley is incredibly beautiful, But he also gives you a few notes about its history and the model itself. The LEGO dark green is really similar to the classic racing English green. A wonder on wheels.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bricksonwheels/
The Calavera Brothers
Es difícil elegir un detalle en esta creación, personalmente creo que raya las perfección, aunque sin duda esas calaveras son realmente increíbles. Red es el autor de esta escena en honor al Día de los Muertos, el que no sepa muy bien de que va, le recomiendo que vea Coco, de Pixar, es una forma entretenida de acercarse a esta maravillosa tradición.
It is difficult to choose a detail in this creation, personally I think it borders on perfection, although certainly those skulls are really incredible. Red is the author of this scene in honor of the Dia de Los Muertos, if someone doesn’t know what we are talking about, I recommend you see Coco, from Pixar, is an entertaining way to approach this wonderful tradition.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tremah/
Christopher and Isabell’s Castle
Tal vez, en un futuro no muy lejano, LEGO decidirá que la línea Castle necesita volver a sus origenes, sin mezclas raras de ciencia ficción y sin criaturas sacadas de la mezcla de mitologías sin mucho sentido. Volver a los castillos fuertes, sólidos, sobrios, ... Cuando lo hagan pueden coger apuntes de esta fantástica creación de Lukasz Wiktorowicz.
Perhaps, in the not too distant future, LEGO will decide that the Castle line needs to return to its origins, without rare science fiction mixes and without creatures taken from the mix of mythologies without much sense. Back to the strong, solid, sober castles ... When they do they can take notes of this fantastic creation by Lukasz Wiktorowicz.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lukaszwiktorowicz/
Perhaps, in the not too distant future, LEGO will decide that the Castle line needs to return to its origins, without rare science fiction mixes and without creatures taken from the mix of mythologies without much sense. Back to the strong, solid, sober castles ... When they do they can take notes of this fantastic creation by Lukasz Wiktorowicz.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lukaszwiktorowicz/
Too much cuteness
Primero, disculpas por esta larga pausa, pero hasta yo tengo vacaciones a veces. Así que para ganarme vuestro perdón nada mejor que un poco de ternura. Estas adorables criaturas por Miro Dudas cuanto menos ablandarán vuestro corazón. Unas pequeñas maravillas que seguro mis sobrinas les gustaría tener.
First, apologies for this long pause, but even I have vacations sometimes. So to earn your forgiveness nothing better than a little tenderness. These adorable creatures by Miro Dudas I hope will soften your heart. Some small wonders that surely my nieces would like to have.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/miro78/
First, apologies for this long pause, but even I have vacations sometimes. So to earn your forgiveness nothing better than a little tenderness. These adorable creatures by Miro Dudas I hope will soften your heart. Some small wonders that surely my nieces would like to have.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/miro78/
domingo, 8 de julio de 2018
Sacrilege Against Quetzalcoatl
Expresar movimiento en una fotografía estática es una tarea compleja. La actitud y la pose de los personajes es fundamental para que le escena parezca viva, que parezca que están ocurriendo cosas. Viendo esta escena de Aaron Newman parece que hemos llegado en el momento justo de presenciar el climax de una historia. Todo el conjunto es magnífico, pero la figura de Quetzalcoatl me ha enamorado totalmente.
Expressing movement in a static photograph is a complex task. The attitude and pose of the characters is fundamental to make the scene seem alive, that seems that things are happening. Watching this scene by Aaron Newman it seems that we have arrived at the right moment to witness the climax of a story. The whole set is magnificent, but the figure of Quetzalcoatl has completely enraptured me.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nujumetru/
Expressing movement in a static photograph is a complex task. The attitude and pose of the characters is fundamental to make the scene seem alive, that seems that things are happening. Watching this scene by Aaron Newman it seems that we have arrived at the right moment to witness the climax of a story. The whole set is magnificent, but the figure of Quetzalcoatl has completely enraptured me.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nujumetru/
jueves, 5 de julio de 2018
F-LS7 Nimo
Creo que hasta ahora nunca había nombrado al mismo constructor dos veces tan seguidas, pero el caza de Tim Zarki ha atraído mi atención desde el primer momento. Sus formas y ángulos, junto con esa cabina tan original le dan un aspecto magnífico. Dan ganas de cogerlo con las manos y correr por la habitación haciendo ruidos con la boca, vosotros ya sabéis a qué me refiero...
I think that until now I have never named the same builder twice in the same month, but Tim Zarki's fighter has attracted my attention from the first moment. Its shapes and angles, together with that original cockpit give it a magnificent appearance. It makes you want to take it with your hands and run around the room making noises with your mouth, you know what I mean...
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/spook0114/
martes, 3 de julio de 2018
Spooky RC Racer
Los sets RC de LEGO son para mi una de las posibilidades peor aprovechadas por el mundo AFOL. Yo veo esos chasis como una oportunidad sin límites de diversión y de dotar de una jugabilidad distinta a nuestras creaciones. Kale Frost resume todo esto perfectamente en esta creación. El vehículo y sus ocupantes son simplemente fantásticos, que todo ello este sobre un chasis RC la hace mítica.
The LEGO RC sets are for me one of the worst-used possibilities in the AFOL world. I see those chassis as an opportunity without limits of fun and to provide a different gameplay to our creations. Kale Frost summarizes all this perfectly in this creation. The vehicle and its occupants are simply fantastic, that all these are on an RC chassis makes this creation mythical.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/frostbricks/
lunes, 2 de julio de 2018
A veces menos es más. A veces un diseño limpio y poco recargado es mucho más efectivo visualmente que uno muy recargado. Tim Zarki nos da una lección de diseño con este pequeño robot. No le falta nada y aun mejor, tampoco le sobra nada. Podríamos verlo en cualquier película de ciencia ficción.
Sometimes, less is more. Sometimes a clean and little ornate design is much more visually effective than a full of greeble one. Tim Zarki gives us a design lesson with this little robot. He doesn’t lack anything and even better, he doesn’t spare anything either. We could see it in any science fiction movie.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/spook0114/
Sometimes, less is more. Sometimes a clean and little ornate design is much more visually effective than a full of greeble one. Tim Zarki gives us a design lesson with this little robot. He doesn’t lack anything and even better, he doesn’t spare anything either. We could see it in any science fiction movie.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/spook0114/
miércoles, 27 de junio de 2018
War of the Worlds
Es pequeña, es cierto, incluso minúscula, pero sin embargo resume perfectamente lo que La Guerra de los Mundos evoca en mi cabeza. Sad Brick usa las piezas de una forma increíble y da vida a una escena épica.
It's small, it's true, even minuscule, but nevertheless perfectly sums up what War of the Worlds evokes in my head. Sad Brick uses the pieces in an incredible way and gives life to an epic scene.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124282802@N05/
AGIP gas station
¿Que tendrán las gasolineras que tanto nos gustan a los aficionados a los coches? ¿Será porque allí alimentamos a nuestros adorados automóviles? ¿O será por el alivio de encontrar una cuando está encendida la luz de la reserva? Norton74 nos muestra como era una clásica gasolinera italiana. Como siempre con un gran amor por el diseño y el detalle.
What the gas stations have that fans of cars like them so much? Is it because we feed our beloved cars there? Or will it be for the relief of finding one when the reserve light is on? Norton74 shows us how it was a classic Italian gas station, as always with a great love for design and detail.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/norton74/42299451364/in/faves-98171509@N00/
What the gas stations have that fans of cars like them so much? Is it because we feed our beloved cars there? Or will it be for the relief of finding one when the reserve light is on? Norton74 shows us how it was a classic Italian gas station, as always with a great love for design and detail.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/norton74/42299451364/in/faves-98171509@N00/
sábado, 23 de junio de 2018
Minas Tirith
Hoy tengo el día épico y después de Star Wars tengo que regocijarme en El Señor de los Anillos. No voy a hablaros del libro ni de la trilogía de películas. Las tengo todas y soy fan. De los sets de LEGO de esa temática tengo pocos y además comprados por las minifigs. No porque sean malos sets, sino porque no son lo suficientemente buenos para tenerlos construidos y no cansarme de ellos. Minas Tirith de Koen se quedaría en mi estantería durante muuuuuucho tiempo. ¿Por qué LEGO no añade algo de imaginación a su línea de Architecture y empieza a incluir edificios emblemáticos de sus franquicias?
Today I have the epic day and after Star Wars I have to rejoice in The Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to tell you about the book or the movie trilogy. I have them all and I'm a fan. Of the LEGO sets of that theme I have few and also bought by the minifigs. Not because they are bad sets, but because they are not good enough to have them built and not get tired of them. Koen’s Minas Tirith would stay on my bookshelf for a long, long, long time. Why does not LEGO add some imagination to its Architecture line and begin to include emblematic buildings of its franchises?
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/swandutchman/
Today I have the epic day and after Star Wars I have to rejoice in The Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to tell you about the book or the movie trilogy. I have them all and I'm a fan. Of the LEGO sets of that theme I have few and also bought by the minifigs. Not because they are bad sets, but because they are not good enough to have them built and not get tired of them. Koen’s Minas Tirith would stay on my bookshelf for a long, long, long time. Why does not LEGO add some imagination to its Architecture line and begin to include emblematic buildings of its franchises?
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/swandutchman/
Para mi El Imperio Contraataca siempre será la mejor película de la saga. Se que hay gente que no piensa así y la verdad es que me da lo mismo. No pienso discutir sobre este tema porque a fin de cuentas es cuestión de opiniones, y como los culos, cada uno tenemos el nuestro. Al principio de la película vemos como el Imperio siembra de sondas el espacio buscando la base rebelde. Daiman nos muestra una de esas sondas robóticas tal y como pudimos observarla en la película antes de que Han y su peludo amigo la destruyera. Para mi la mejor versión de la sonda hasta ahora.
For me The Empire Strikes Back will always be the best movie of the saga. I know there are people who don’t think like that and the truth is that I don’t care. I don’t intend to discuss this issue because ultimately it is a question of opinions, and like the asses, we each have ours. At the beginning of the film we see how the Empire sows space with probes seeking the rebel base. Daiman shows us one of those robotic probes as we could see in the movie before Han and his furry friend destroyed it. For me the best version of the probe so far.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/daiman_mardon/
miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018
Nunca he sido un constructor de robots. Me faltan conocimientos sobre los diferentes tipos de articulaciones y cuando usar cada una. Sin embargo eso no me impide disfrutarlos desde que era pequeño, sobre todo con las series de animación de Mazinger Z Y los Transformers. En LEGO hay toda una línea no oficial sobre ellos, que se nutre de animes, videojuegos y de nuestra increíble imaginación. Marius Herrmann nos presenta el Shell-Walker de “Horizon Zero Dawn”. El robot que podría recordarnos a un cangrejo de seis patas es increíble, pero no he podido evitar dejarme seducir por el contenedor hexagonal que porta, es una joya de diseño.
I have never been a robot builder. I lack knowledge about the different types of joints and when to use each one. However that does not stop me from enjoying them since I was a kid, especially with the Mazinger Z and Transformers animation series. In LEGO there is a whole unofficial line about them, which is nourished by anime, videogames and our incredible imagination. Marius Herrmann presents the Shell-Walker of "Horizon Zero Dawn". The robot that could remind us of a six-legged crab is incredible, but I could not help being seduced by the hexagonal container it carries, it is a design jewel.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/velocites/
I have never been a robot builder. I lack knowledge about the different types of joints and when to use each one. However that does not stop me from enjoying them since I was a kid, especially with the Mazinger Z and Transformers animation series. In LEGO there is a whole unofficial line about them, which is nourished by anime, videogames and our incredible imagination. Marius Herrmann presents the Shell-Walker of "Horizon Zero Dawn". The robot that could remind us of a six-legged crab is incredible, but I could not help being seduced by the hexagonal container it carries, it is a design jewel.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/velocites/
sábado, 16 de junio de 2018
Lo único mejor que un MOC, es una serie de ellos que tienen relación entre sí. Anthony Wilson ha estado muy ocupado con su colección Junkyard, seis fabulosas imágenes de robots en una especie de chatarrería/vertedero industrial donde parecen sobrevivir adaptándose a su entorno, lo cual les dota de una característica evolutiva propia de los seres vivos. Los robots son fabulosos, el entorno increíble y las fotos están tratadas con gran exquisitez. Yo os dejo aquí mis favoritas, no os perdáis ninguna de ellas.
The only thing better than an MOC, is a series of them that are related to each other. Anthony Wilson has been very busy with his Junkyard collection, six fabulous images of robots in a sort of industrial junkyard/dump where they seem to survive adapting to their environment, which gives them an evolutionary characteristic of living beings. The robots are fabulous, the environment amazing and the photos are treated with great delicacy. I show you here my favorites, do not miss any of them.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/thesecretwalrus/
The only thing better than an MOC, is a series of them that are related to each other. Anthony Wilson has been very busy with his Junkyard collection, six fabulous images of robots in a sort of industrial junkyard/dump where they seem to survive adapting to their environment, which gives them an evolutionary characteristic of living beings. The robots are fabulous, the environment amazing and the photos are treated with great delicacy. I show you here my favorites, do not miss any of them.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/thesecretwalrus/
martes, 12 de junio de 2018
Ariel Nomad
Dejarse seducir por las grandes construcciones es fácil. Pero a veces una construcción más modesta en tamaño posee cierto atractivo que te captura sin darte cuenta. Estos pequeños buggies de Pixel Fox son una delicia de diseño y construcción.
Letting yourself be seduced by big constructions is easy. But sometimes a more modest construction in size has some appeal that captures you without realizing it. These little buggies by Pixel Fox are a design and construction delight.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/34351829@N03/
Letting yourself be seduced by big constructions is easy. But sometimes a more modest construction in size has some appeal that captures you without realizing it. These little buggies by Pixel Fox are a design and construction delight.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/34351829@N03/
Les Danseurs
Si alguien cree que el arte con ladrillos LEGO tiene límites, Nicolas Picot nos enseña que no. Sus bailarines, basados en una fotografía de Karolina Kuras es un maravilla visual. La expresividad de los cuerpos hacen muy especial esta creación.
If someone thinks that the art with LEGO bricks has limits, Nicolas Picot teaches us that no. Her dancers, based on a photograph of Karolina Kuras, is a visual marvel. The expressiveness of the bodies makes this creation very special.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/icare-lego-fan/
martes, 5 de junio de 2018
Le Château de Chenonceau
Hace unos años tuve la suerte de visitar El Valle del Loira y sus famosos castillos. Uno de los más conocidos y para mi el más original es el Castillo de Chenonceau. Situado sobre el río, tiene una forma alargada muy particular. Cuando he visto la creación de Aaron Newman me he quedado impactado. Es instantáneamente reconocible y el nivel de detalle es increíble. Una auténtica belleza.
A few years ago I had the good fortune to visit the Loire Valley and its famous castles. One of the best known and for me the most original is the Castle of Chenonceau. Located on the river, it has a very particular elongated shape. When I saw the creation of Aaron Newman I was shocked. It is instantly recognizable and the level of detail is incredible. An authentic beauty.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nujumetru/
domingo, 3 de junio de 2018
Space Base
Una de las características importantes en todo juguete es su jugabilidad. Que el modelo tenga partes móviles, que se divida en vehículos más pequeños, etc, es lo que hace que puedas desarrollar distintas historias y jugar con el una y otra vez sin cansarte. En la línea Space Classic no faltaban naves con partes móviles, que incluían transportaban una base o un vehículo en la parte de atrás, o que se dividía en otras más pequeñas. Yu chris ha hecho eso y mucho más en su Space Base, todo lo necesario para investigar un nuevo planeta en una sola nave. Todo un compendio de imaginación e ingeniería.
One of the important characteristics in every toy is its playability. That the model has moving parts, that is divided into smaller vehicles, etc., is what makes you develop different stories and play with it again and again without getting tired. In the Space Classic line there were spaceships with moving parts, which carried a base or a vehicle in the back, or could divide into smaller ones. Yu chris has done that and much more in his Space Base, everything necessary to investigate a new planet in a single ship. A whole compendium of imagination and engineering.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/123907272@N02/
One of the important characteristics in every toy is its playability. That the model has moving parts, that is divided into smaller vehicles, etc., is what makes you develop different stories and play with it again and again without getting tired. In the Space Classic line there were spaceships with moving parts, which carried a base or a vehicle in the back, or could divide into smaller ones. Yu chris has done that and much more in his Space Base, everything necessary to investigate a new planet in a single ship. A whole compendium of imagination and engineering.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/123907272@N02/
miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018
The magic is in the details
Por una vez he decidido plasmar en el titulo del post todo el significado de esta creación. César Soares nos presenta la habitación de un mago. Y da lo mismo el tiempo que pases mirando las fotos, siempre hay algo nuevo que descubrir, un nuevo detalle que admirar, un nuevo uso para una pieza,..., una maravilla.
For once I decided to capture in the title of the post all the meaning of this creation. César Soares presents us the room of a wizard. And it doesn't matter how much time you spend looking at the photos, there is always something new to discover, a new detail to admire, a new use for a part, ..., wonderful.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124546590@N03/
For once I decided to capture in the title of the post all the meaning of this creation. César Soares presents us the room of a wizard. And it doesn't matter how much time you spend looking at the photos, there is always something new to discover, a new detail to admire, a new use for a part, ..., wonderful.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124546590@N03/
lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018
Popsicle express
Ahora que viene el verano, no hay nada como un buen helado. Aunque en España las furgonetas de helados nunca han tenido la magia de aquellos vehículos americanos de los años 60, siempre han significado buenas noticias para los niños. Esta furgoneta de Sven Franic es excepcional tanto por su diseño como por sus detalles, con el mérito añadido de estar construida en un color tan poco común. Seguro que ha sido un desafío cuadrar el diseño con las piezas disponibles en ese tono tan particular.
Now that summer is coming, there's nothing like a good ice cream. Although in Spain ice cream vans have never had the magic of those American vehicles of the 60s, they have always meant good news for children. This Sven Franic van is exceptional both for its design and for its details, with the added merit of being built in such an unusual color. Surely it has been a challenge to match the design with the parts available in that particular tone.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/143909727@N03/
Now that summer is coming, there's nothing like a good ice cream. Although in Spain ice cream vans have never had the magic of those American vehicles of the 60s, they have always meant good news for children. This Sven Franic van is exceptional both for its design and for its details, with the added merit of being built in such an unusual color. Surely it has been a challenge to match the design with the parts available in that particular tone.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/143909727@N03/
viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018
Alíens APC
He de confesar que para mí solo existen las dos primeras películas de Alien. A partir de ahí no es que sean malas, pero para mí perdieron la magia. La primera, aún hoy, me parece una sobrecogedora película de terror y una increíble película de ciencia a ficción. La segunda sigue siendo una de las mejores películas de ciencia ficción y acción de todos los tiempos. Missing Brick es ampliamente conocido por sus MOCS sobre Aliens, desde vehículos y personajes hasta escenas míticas de la película. Aquí os dejo su fantástica versión del mítico APC. Sin palabras.
I must confess that for me there are only two Alien films. After the second film I’m not saying that they are bad, but for me they lost the magic. The first, even today, seems to me an overwhelming horror film and an incredible science fiction movie. The second is still one of the best action/science fiction movies of all time. Missing Brick is widely known for its MOCS on Aliens, from vehicles and characters to mythical scenes in the film. Here is his fantastic version of the mythical APC. Speechless.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/76272331@N05/
I must confess that for me there are only two Alien films. After the second film I’m not saying that they are bad, but for me they lost the magic. The first, even today, seems to me an overwhelming horror film and an incredible science fiction movie. The second is still one of the best action/science fiction movies of all time. Missing Brick is widely known for its MOCS on Aliens, from vehicles and characters to mythical scenes in the film. Here is his fantastic version of the mythical APC. Speechless.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/76272331@N05/
jueves, 24 de mayo de 2018
HispaBrick Magazine 030
HispaBrick Magazine ha lanzado el número 30 de su revista gratuita sobre el mundo de los ladrillos LEGO. Este número es especial porque cumplen nada más y nada menos que 10 años. Como fundador de la revista me han hecho una entrevista, que por suspuesto es lo más interesante de este número. Bromas aparte, no tenéis ninguna excusa para no descargarla y disfrutarla. Enhorabuena a todos los que han trabajado en ella.
HispaBrick Magazine has released the number 30 of its free magazine about the world of LEGO bricks. This number is special because they fulfill nothing more and nothing less than 10 years. As the founder of the magazine I have had an interview, which is, of course, the most interesting part of this issue. Jokes aside, you have no excuse not to download it and enjoy it. Congratulations to all who have worked on it.
HispaBrick Magazine has released the number 30 of its free magazine about the world of LEGO bricks. This number is special because they fulfill nothing more and nothing less than 10 years. As the founder of the magazine I have had an interview, which is, of course, the most interesting part of this issue. Jokes aside, you have no excuse not to download it and enjoy it. Congratulations to all who have worked on it.
martes, 22 de mayo de 2018
Up house
Pixar y LEGO tienen una relación especial. No solo porque gracias a los acuerdos comerciales entre ellas hemos podido disfrutar de sets oficiales de algunas de sus películas, sino también porque ha sido fuente de inspiración de incontables MOCS por parte de la comunidad. Que sus películas resulten igual de atractivas para niños y adultos ha favorecido su éxito entre los AFOLS. Una de las películas emblemáticas de la compañía es Up. Para mi su primera parte, tal vez la menos atractiva para los niños, debería formar parte de la historia del cine. Aunque también diría lo mismo de los primeros minutos de Wall-E, igual el problema lo tengo yo.
Jonas Kramm ha realizado un precioso modelo de la casa del protagonista, justo en el momento en que inicia su fantástica aventura. Aun en su pequeña escala, es reconocible instantáneamente, gracias a sus fantásticos detalles. No dejes de apoyar su proyecto en LEGO Ideas, yo ya lo he hecho.
Pixar and LEGO have a special relationship. Not only because thanks to the commercial agreements between them we have been able to enjoy official sets of some of its films, but also because Pixar has been a source of inspiration for countless MOCS by the community. That his films are just as attractive for children and adults has favored his success among the AFOLS. One of the emblematic films of the company is Up. For me its first part, perhaps the least attractive for children, should be part of the history of cinema. Although I would also say the same about the first minutes of Wall-E.
Jonas Kramm has made a beautiful model of the protagonist's house, just at the moment he starts his fantastic adventure. Even on its small scale, it is instantly recognizable, thanks to its fantastic details. Do not hesitate to support his project in LEGO Ideas, I've already done it.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/legols/
Jonas Kramm ha realizado un precioso modelo de la casa del protagonista, justo en el momento en que inicia su fantástica aventura. Aun en su pequeña escala, es reconocible instantáneamente, gracias a sus fantásticos detalles. No dejes de apoyar su proyecto en LEGO Ideas, yo ya lo he hecho.
Pixar and LEGO have a special relationship. Not only because thanks to the commercial agreements between them we have been able to enjoy official sets of some of its films, but also because Pixar has been a source of inspiration for countless MOCS by the community. That his films are just as attractive for children and adults has favored his success among the AFOLS. One of the emblematic films of the company is Up. For me its first part, perhaps the least attractive for children, should be part of the history of cinema. Although I would also say the same about the first minutes of Wall-E.
Jonas Kramm has made a beautiful model of the protagonist's house, just at the moment he starts his fantastic adventure. Even on its small scale, it is instantly recognizable, thanks to its fantastic details. Do not hesitate to support his project in LEGO Ideas, I've already done it.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/legols/
Gothic Church
Uno de los temas que The LEGO Group siempre ha considerado tabú en sus diseños es el de la religión. Así que si quieres ver cualquier tipo de templo construido con ladrillos LEGO, debes buscar entre las construcciones de los AFOLS. Afortunadamente a nosotros estos problemas de ética empresarial nos dan un poco lo mismo y construimos todo aquello que nos apetece y representa un reto. El resultado es que puedes encontrar maravillosas construcciones de templos en internet, como por ejemplo esta Iglesia Gótica por David Hensel. Un edificio fantástico, lleno de detalles (esa puerta es bellísima), y con un trabajo en la fachada increíble. Estoy seguro que si la tocas con los ojos cerrados parecerá que estás acariciando una fachada de piedra.
One of the themes that The LEGO Group has always considered taboo in their designs is that of religion. So if you want to see any type of temple built with LEGO bricks, you must search among the constructions of the AFOLS. Fortunately, these problems of business ethics are less importan for us and we build everything that we want and represents a challenge. The result is that you can find wonderful constructions of temples on the Internet, such as this Gothic Church by David Hensel. A fantastic building, full of details (that door is beautiful), and with an incredible facade work. I'm sure if you touch it with your eyes closed it will look like you're stroking a stone facade.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/davidhensel/
One of the themes that The LEGO Group has always considered taboo in their designs is that of religion. So if you want to see any type of temple built with LEGO bricks, you must search among the constructions of the AFOLS. Fortunately, these problems of business ethics are less importan for us and we build everything that we want and represents a challenge. The result is that you can find wonderful constructions of temples on the Internet, such as this Gothic Church by David Hensel. A fantastic building, full of details (that door is beautiful), and with an incredible facade work. I'm sure if you touch it with your eyes closed it will look like you're stroking a stone facade.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/davidhensel/
lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018
Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus
El personaje de Spider-Man ha pasado por varias versiones cinematográficas, con distintos actores y distintos enfoques. Por supuesto en el mundo de las construcciones con LEGO ha pasado más o menos lo mismo. Tras cada película hemos podido admirar recreaciones de escenas de las diferentes películas. Sin embargo Thorsten Bonsch va más allá. Ya lo hizo, si recordáis, con sus diseños de la Batcueva, y ahora está de vuelta con esta escena del enfrentamiento entre Spider-Man y el Doctor Octopus en el lobby del Daily Bugle. La escena está llena de detalles y de movimiento, pero además el edificio es una obra de arte. Simplemente admirar el mosaico del suelo, no puedo ni imaginar cuanto trabajo hay invertido en esa maravilla.
The character of Spider-Man has gone through several film versions, with different actors and different approaches. Of course, in the LEGO world, the same has happened more or less. After each film we have been able to admire recreations of scenes from the different movies. However Thorsten Bonsch goes further. He already did, if you remember, with his designs of the Batcave, and now he is back with this scene of the confrontation between Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus in the lobby of the Daily Bugle. The scene is full of details and movement, but also the building is a work of art. Just admire the mosaic of the floor, I can not even imagine how much work has been invested in that wonder.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/xenomurphy/
The character of Spider-Man has gone through several film versions, with different actors and different approaches. Of course, in the LEGO world, the same has happened more or less. After each film we have been able to admire recreations of scenes from the different movies. However Thorsten Bonsch goes further. He already did, if you remember, with his designs of the Batcave, and now he is back with this scene of the confrontation between Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus in the lobby of the Daily Bugle. The scene is full of details and movement, but also the building is a work of art. Just admire the mosaic of the floor, I can not even imagine how much work has been invested in that wonder.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/xenomurphy/
Broken Home
Que los ladrillos LEGO sean tan lisos y brillantes puede que resulte una ventaja siempre que lo que intentes construir no sea la escena de un desastre natural. Si quieres que algo parezca viejo, dañado o casi destruido, tienes que elegir con cuidado la paleta de colores y aplicar técnicas no convencionales para dar la imagen totalmente opuesta a la que suele dar LEGO. Por eso este diorama de Ralf Langer, de una ciudad que ha sufrido un terremoto es tan fantástico. Las calzadas, las fachadas de los edificios, todo te transporta a ese desastre. Un gran trabajo y, además, seguro que complicado también.
That the LEGO bricks are so smooth and bright may be an advantage as long as what you try to build is not the scene of a natural disaster. If you want something to look old, damaged or almost destroyed, you have to carefully choose the color palette and apply non-conventional techniques to give the image completely opposite to what LEGO usually gives. That is why this diorama by Ralf Langer, from a city that has suffered an earthquake is so fantastic. The roads, the facades of the buildings, everything transports you to that disaster. A great job and, besides, I’m sure that complicated too.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/154489981@N04/
That the LEGO bricks are so smooth and bright may be an advantage as long as what you try to build is not the scene of a natural disaster. If you want something to look old, damaged or almost destroyed, you have to carefully choose the color palette and apply non-conventional techniques to give the image completely opposite to what LEGO usually gives. That is why this diorama by Ralf Langer, from a city that has suffered an earthquake is so fantastic. The roads, the facades of the buildings, everything transports you to that disaster. A great job and, besides, I’m sure that complicated too.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/154489981@N04/
viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018
River Crossing
Tras terminar un MOC uno siempre piensa en la mejor forma de fotografiarlo o presentarlo. A veces tu nueva creación merece un diorama que le acompañe. A mí, normalmente, me puede la impaciencia y me conformo con unas pocas fotos. Si le dedicas tiempo y ganas puede pasar lo que le ha pasado a Tim Schwalfenberg, que para un tren fantástico ha construido un puente igual de maravilloso. He ampliado la foto todo lo que mi tableta permite para poder apreciar lo intrincado del diseño. Increíble.
After finishing a MOC you always think of the best way to photograph or present it. Sometimes your new creation deserves a diorama to accompany it. In my case, normally, I am very impatient and I'll settle for a few photos. If you dedicate time and energy it can happen to you what has happened to Tim Schwalfenberg, who has built a bridge just as wonderful as the train that he was introducing. I have enlarged the photo all that my tablet allows to appreciate the intricate design. Amazing.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/112058573@N02/
After finishing a MOC you always think of the best way to photograph or present it. Sometimes your new creation deserves a diorama to accompany it. In my case, normally, I am very impatient and I'll settle for a few photos. If you dedicate time and energy it can happen to you what has happened to Tim Schwalfenberg, who has built a bridge just as wonderful as the train that he was introducing. I have enlarged the photo all that my tablet allows to appreciate the intricate design. Amazing.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/112058573@N02/
martes, 15 de mayo de 2018
Ahora, que la fase final de la NBA está casi en lo más alto con las finales de las conferencias no
podemos dejar pasar la oportunidad de enseñaros este fantástico logo de la mejor liga de baloncesto del mundo realizado por DOGOD Brick Design.
Now, that the play-offs of the NBA are almost at the top with the finals of the conferences we can not miss the opportunity to show you this fantastic logo of the best basketball league in the world made by DOGOD Brick Design.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ianhoy/
podemos dejar pasar la oportunidad de enseñaros este fantástico logo de la mejor liga de baloncesto del mundo realizado por DOGOD Brick Design.
Now, that the play-offs of the NBA are almost at the top with the finals of the conferences we can not miss the opportunity to show you this fantastic logo of the best basketball league in the world made by DOGOD Brick Design.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ianhoy/
domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018
Empire State Building
Hace unos años tuve la suerte de poder visitar la BrickWorld de Chicago. Uno de los recuerdos más claros que conservo es un gigantesco diorama lleno de increíbles rascacielos. Cuando he visto el fantástico Empire State Building de q_159 todos esos recuerdos han vuelto de forma inesperada. Sus 1700 piezas y 110 cm de altura explican los tres meses de trabajo que ha tenido que invertir en el proyecto. Sin duda han merecido la pena.
A few years ago I was lucky enough to visit BrickWorld in Chicago. One of the clearest memories I have is a gigantic diorama full of incredible skyscrapers. When I saw the fantastic q_159’s Empire State Building, all those memories have returned unexpectedly. His 1700 pieces and 110 cm high explain the three months of work he has had to invest in the project. No doubt investing all that time has been worth it.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/41229227@N06/
A few years ago I was lucky enough to visit BrickWorld in Chicago. One of the clearest memories I have is a gigantic diorama full of incredible skyscrapers. When I saw the fantastic q_159’s Empire State Building, all those memories have returned unexpectedly. His 1700 pieces and 110 cm high explain the three months of work he has had to invest in the project. No doubt investing all that time has been worth it.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/41229227@N06/
jueves, 10 de mayo de 2018
Victorian City
Los dioramas son, probablemente el mayor atractivo para los visitantes de cualquier exposición de creaciones con ladrillos LEGO. Ademas son el mayor exponente de lo que significa ser parte de una comunidad. Este diorama colaborativo de SwissLUG, que podemos admirar en la galería de Dornbi, es un ejemplo de las maravillas que se pueden conseguir colaborando con otros fans como nosotros. Es difícil destacar una parte del diorama porque la calidad es tan alta que al final es solo cuestión de gusto personal. Yo me quedo con la iglesia, ¿vosotros?
The dioramas are probably the biggest attraction for visitors of any exhibition of creations with LEGO bricks. They are also the greatest exponent of what it means to be part of a community. This SwissLUG collaborative diorama, which we can admire in Dornbi’s gallery, is an example of the wonders that can be achieved by collaborating with other fans like us. It is difficult to highlight a part of the diorama because the quality is so high that in the end it is just a matter of personal taste. I love the church, and you?
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dornbach/
The dioramas are probably the biggest attraction for visitors of any exhibition of creations with LEGO bricks. They are also the greatest exponent of what it means to be part of a community. This SwissLUG collaborative diorama, which we can admire in Dornbi’s gallery, is an example of the wonders that can be achieved by collaborating with other fans like us. It is difficult to highlight a part of the diorama because the quality is so high that in the end it is just a matter of personal taste. I love the church, and you?
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dornbach/
domingo, 6 de mayo de 2018
HLC Space Center Crawler
Creo que es la primera vez que escribo un post sobre una creación a escala “Friends”. Esta línea ha tenido gran éxito, no solo entre las niñas, que parecía ser su cliente objetivo, sino también entre los AFOLS debido a las nuevas piezas en nuevos colores que ha puesto a nuestra disposición. La figura de Friends es un poco más grande que la minifig clásica y sus puntos de conexión diferentes, por lo que construir en su escala puede necesitar un poco de experiencia. Tyler Sky, un referente en las construcciones “Friends”, nos muestra que no hay temática que quede fuera del alcance de esta nueva línea. Su increible Centro Espacial está lleno de fantásticos detalles. La nave espacial tiene un diseño limpio y original que nos recuerda a una lanzadera futurista. Y todo ello con esos toques de color “Friends” perfectamente integrados. Una maravilla.
I think this is the first time I've written a post about a "Friends" scale creation. This theme has been very successful, not only among the girls, who seemed to be its target customers, but also among the AFOLS because of the new parts in new colors that they have put at our disposal. The figure of Friends is a bit bigger than the classic minifig and has different connection points, so building on its scale may need a bit of experience. Tyler Sky, a reference in Friends constructions, shows us that there is no theme that is beyond the scope of this new line. Its incredible Space Center is full of fantastic details. The spacecraft has a clean and original design that reminds us of a futuristic shuttle. And all with those touches of "Friends" colors perfectly integrated. A whole new world!
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tylersky/
I think this is the first time I've written a post about a "Friends" scale creation. This theme has been very successful, not only among the girls, who seemed to be its target customers, but also among the AFOLS because of the new parts in new colors that they have put at our disposal. The figure of Friends is a bit bigger than the classic minifig and has different connection points, so building on its scale may need a bit of experience. Tyler Sky, a reference in Friends constructions, shows us that there is no theme that is beyond the scope of this new line. Its incredible Space Center is full of fantastic details. The spacecraft has a clean and original design that reminds us of a futuristic shuttle. And all with those touches of "Friends" colors perfectly integrated. A whole new world!
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tylersky/
viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018
Scavenging The Destroyer
Hoy es el día de Star Wars, el famoso May the Forth, e internet está lleno de homenajes a este mito cultural. La comunidad LEGO no podía ser menos, así que toda la red está llena de creaciones relacionadas con la franquicia. Entre ellas, esta creación de Grant Davis (en colaboración con Eli Willsea) ha llamado mi atención. Las proporciones de la construcción, el cuidado en el detalle y la fantástica iluminación hacen de esta escena algo increíble.
Today is the day of Star Wars, the famous May the Forth, and the internet is full of tributes to this cultural myth. The LEGO community could not be less, so the entire network is full of creations related to the franchise. Among them, this creation of Grant Davis (in collaboration with Eli Willsea) has caught my attention. The proportions of the construction, the attention to detail and the fantastic lighting make this scene incredible.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93970753@N05/
Today is the day of Star Wars, the famous May the Forth, and the internet is full of tributes to this cultural myth. The LEGO community could not be less, so the entire network is full of creations related to the franchise. Among them, this creation of Grant Davis (in collaboration with Eli Willsea) has caught my attention. The proportions of the construction, the attention to detail and the fantastic lighting make this scene incredible.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93970753@N05/
jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018
New Century City Block
Una de las líneas con más éxito entre los AFOLS es, sin duda, la de los edificios modulares. Siempre es portada de los principales blogs cuando cada año se lanza un nuevo edificio. Por supuesto, constructores de todo el mundo se han lanzado a construir edificios siguiendo el mismo esquema. Eero Okkonen ha creado una serie de edificios modulares de principios del siglo XX. Sus diseños son especialmente originales y nos llama poderosamente la atención la presencia de un edificio con la fachada con studs a la vista. Un concepto diferente pero que funciona en esta increíble composición.
One of the most successful themes among the AFOLS is, undoubtedly, modular buildings. It is always the front page of the main blogs when a new building is launched every year. Of course, builders all over the world have set out to build different buildings following the same scheme. Eero Okkonen has created a series of modular buildings from the early 1900s. His designs are especially original and we are struck by the presence of a building with the facade with studs out. A different concept but that works in this incredible composition.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kumipallomaa/
jueves, 26 de abril de 2018
Millenium Falcon Mini
Desde que se supo que habría una película sobre la historia de Han Solo, todos rezábamos porque por fin puedieramos conocer cómo cruzaron sus vidas Han Solo, Chewbacca y el Halcón Milenario. En la red ha habido una explosión de versiones en escalas mini de una de las naves más famosas de todas las galaxias. No pude resistirme a construir la mia propia. Las 25 piezas más rápidas de la galaxia.
Since it became known that there would be a film about the history of Han Solo, we all prayed that we could finally know how Han Solo, Chewbacca and the Millennium Falcon crossed their lives. In the network there has been an explosion of versions in mini scales of one of the most famous ships of all the galaxies. I could not resist to build my own. The 25 fastest parts in the galaxy.
martes, 24 de abril de 2018
Pursuit of Flight
Una nueva disciplina que está desarrollándose dentro de nuestro mundo de plástico es el de las esculturas cinéticas. Este tipo de esculturas están dotadas de un motor que les proporciona un movimiento cíclico que da vida a la composición. Uno de sus mejores exponentes es Jason Allemann. En su última creación podemos recrearnos en una persecución en el airé de dos aviones de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Tanto los pequeños aviones, como la perspectiva forzada o el movimiento del conjunto son perfectos.
A new discipline that is developing within our plastic world is that of kinetic sculptures. This type of sculpture is equipped with a motor that provides a cyclic movement that gives life to the composition. One of its best exponents is Jason Allemann. In his last MOC we can recreate ourselves in a pursuit in the air of two planes form the First World War. The small planes, the forced perspective and the movement of the set are perfect.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/truedimensions/
domingo, 22 de abril de 2018
ETV Multraship Guardian
Konajra (Arjan Oude Kotte) es mundialmente conocido por sus modelos a escala, sobretodo por sus barcos. Sus modelos, a escala prohibitiva para el común de los mortales, son un alarde de diseño y de amor por el detalle. Este barco que pertenece a la guardia costera holandesa tiene alrededor de 40000 piezas y mide 1,65 metros de longitud. Demasiado grande para mi pequeño salón pero eso no impide que sueñe con él.
Konajra (Arjan Oude Kotte) is known worldwide for his scale models, especially for his ships. His models, at a prohibitive scale for ordinary mortals, are a boast of design and love for detail. This ship belongs to the Dutch Coastguard has around 40,000 parts and measures 1.65 meters in long. Too big for my little room but that doesn’t stop me from dreaming about it.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/konajra/
Konajra (Arjan Oude Kotte) is known worldwide for his scale models, especially for his ships. His models, at a prohibitive scale for ordinary mortals, are a boast of design and love for detail. This ship belongs to the Dutch Coastguard has around 40,000 parts and measures 1.65 meters in long. Too big for my little room but that doesn’t stop me from dreaming about it.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/konajra/
sábado, 21 de abril de 2018
Of Rust and Gasoline
Mi padre fue propietario de un garaje de reparación de automóviles hasta que se jubiló, así que para mí, el olor de la gasolina y las uñas llenas de grasa forman parte de mis recuerdos de infancia. Y aunque parece que en el futuro los talleres de reparación se coches se parecerán cada vez más a una tienda de reparación de ordenadores, siempre nos quedarán bellezas como esta creación de Markus Rollbühler para recordarnos como eran.
My father owned a car repair garage until he retired, so for me, the smell of gasoline and the grease-filled fingernails are part of my childhood memories. And although it seems that, in the future, car repair garages will look more and more like a computer repair shop, we will always have beauties like this creation by Markus Rollbühler to remind us what they were like.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/moriartus/
My father owned a car repair garage until he retired, so for me, the smell of gasoline and the grease-filled fingernails are part of my childhood memories. And although it seems that, in the future, car repair garages will look more and more like a computer repair shop, we will always have beauties like this creation by Markus Rollbühler to remind us what they were like.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/moriartus/
viernes, 20 de abril de 2018
Aunque no es septiembre no quiere decir que no se puedan construir grandes naves, enormes naves. La Leviathan de I Scream Clone es un claro ejemplo, con más de un metro y 200 studs de largo. El diseño es fantástico, dándole el típico aspecto de nave terrícola, muy industrial y funcional, frente a los diseños casi imposibles que se suele dar a las naves alienigenas. Su esquema de color es fantástico, no puedo esperar a ver las fotos de su interior...
Although it is not September, it does’nt mean that large ships can not be built, huge ships. The Leviathan of I Scream Clone is a clear example, with more than one meter and 200 studs long. The design is fantastic, giving it the typical appearance of a terrestrial ship, very industrial and functional, compared to the almost impossible designs that are usually given to alien ships. Its color scheme is fantastic, I cannot wait to see the pictures of the interior sections...
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/iscreamclone/
Although it is not September, it does’nt mean that large ships can not be built, huge ships. The Leviathan of I Scream Clone is a clear example, with more than one meter and 200 studs long. The design is fantastic, giving it the typical appearance of a terrestrial ship, very industrial and functional, compared to the almost impossible designs that are usually given to alien ships. Its color scheme is fantastic, I cannot wait to see the pictures of the interior sections...
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/iscreamclone/
Green Fish Inn
Desde que vi por primera vez su obra siendo editor de HBM, he sido fan del trabajo de Cesar Soares. Sus construcciones de temática Castle siempre me han parecido mágicas, así que verle volver a esta temática me ha dado la oportunidad perfecta para sacarle en el blog. Su posada en me dio del lago es una delicia de diseño y colores. Cambiar de registro siempre es bueno, pero a veces volver a tus raíces responde a una necesidad interior difícilmente silenciable.
Since I first saw his work as an editor of HBM, I have been a fan of Cesar Soares' work. His Castle-themed constructions have always seemed magical to me, so to see him return to this theme has given me the perfect opportunity to get him on the blog. His inn in the lake is a delight of design and colors. Changing registers is always good, but sometimes returning to your roots responds to an interior need that is difficult to silence.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124546590@N03/
Since I first saw his work as an editor of HBM, I have been a fan of Cesar Soares' work. His Castle-themed constructions have always seemed magical to me, so to see him return to this theme has given me the perfect opportunity to get him on the blog. His inn in the lake is a delight of design and colors. Changing registers is always good, but sometimes returning to your roots responds to an interior need that is difficult to silence.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124546590@N03/
jueves, 19 de abril de 2018
Jiji and Lily
Hay muchos estudios dedicados a la animación, unos grandes, otros más pequeños. Studio Ghibli es un referente en la animación mundial gracias a películas de culto como Totoro, El viaje de Chihiro o La princesa Mononoke entre otras muchas. Las historias que cuenta están llenas de criaturas fantásticas, sentimientos complejos y heroinas..., si, heroinas, mujeres que no necesitan que un hombre las salve, solo que las acompañe en su viaje. De la película Kiki’s Delivery Service os presento a Jiji y a Lily, que viven una graciosa historia de amor en paralelo a las desventuras de la protagonista. Si no conocéis la obra de Studio Ghibli, solo puedo recomendaros que os dejéis rodear por sus mundos, y no penséis que son películas para niños, los sentimientos que viven sus protagonistas os mostrarán que no lo son.
There are many studios dedicated to animation, some big, others smaller. Studio Ghibli is a reference in world animation thanks to cult films such as Totoro, Spirited Away or The Princess Mononoke among many others. The stories it tells are full of fantastic creatures, complex feelings and heroines ... yes, heroines, women who do not need a man to save them, only to accompany her on her journey. From the film Kiki's Delivery Service I present Jiji and Lily, who live a funny love story in parallel to the misadventures of the protagonist. If you do not know the work of Studio Ghibli, I can only recommend that you let yourself be surrounded by their worlds, and do not think that they are movies for children, the feelings that their protagonists live will show you that they are not.
There are many studios dedicated to animation, some big, others smaller. Studio Ghibli is a reference in world animation thanks to cult films such as Totoro, Spirited Away or The Princess Mononoke among many others. The stories it tells are full of fantastic creatures, complex feelings and heroines ... yes, heroines, women who do not need a man to save them, only to accompany her on her journey. From the film Kiki's Delivery Service I present Jiji and Lily, who live a funny love story in parallel to the misadventures of the protagonist. If you do not know the work of Studio Ghibli, I can only recommend that you let yourself be surrounded by their worlds, and do not think that they are movies for children, the feelings that their protagonists live will show you that they are not.
domingo, 15 de abril de 2018
Sunset at Mission San Miguel
A veces uno empieza construyendo una cosa y termina con algo totalmente diferente de lo que tenía planeado entre las manos. Supongo que es parte del proceso creativo. Uno de los maestros de esto de construir, Nannan Zhang, nos lo cuenta en su última creación. En la Misión de San Miguel el uso de algunas de las piezas permiten recrear el edificio de tal manera que parece sacado de alguna vieja película del oeste. Una delicia.
Sometimes you start building something and end up with something totally different from what you had planned in your hands. I guess it's part of the creative process. One of the masters, Nannan Zhang, tells us about this in his latest creation. In the San Miguel Mission, the use of some of the parts allows him to recreate the building in such a way that it seems to be taken from an old western movie. A delight.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nannanz/
Sometimes you start building something and end up with something totally different from what you had planned in your hands. I guess it's part of the creative process. One of the masters, Nannan Zhang, tells us about this in his latest creation. In the San Miguel Mission, the use of some of the parts allows him to recreate the building in such a way that it seems to be taken from an old western movie. A delight.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nannanz/
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