Cuando intentas construir tu propia versión de un set de LEGO es porque estás seguro de poder mejorarlo. Lennart C ha realizado su propia versión del Volkswagen Beetle, y aunque se trata de una versión del modelo clásico, no del modelo playero que lanzó LEGO, está claro que visualmente se parece mucho más al modelo real. Fantástico trabajo.
When you try to build your own version of a LEGO set it’s because you are sure you can improve it. Lennart C has made its own version of the Volkswagen Beetle, and although it is a version of the classic model, not the beach model that LEGO launched, it’s clear that visually it looks much more like the real model. Fantastic job.
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All instructions that you can find available for download on this page are for free. If you think that the work we have done deserves a compensation, make a donation, for the amount you want, to any NGO or charity foundation that works in favor of children. If you don´t mind, write us and let us know about it.
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