Una de las principales características que hacen a los ladrillos LEGO(R) atractivos a los más pequeños de la casa es su colorido. Desde los colores básicos de sus inicios (todos recordamos aquella especie de código de barras multicolor que decoraba las cajas) a la multitud de tonos que componen las paleta actual, el color siempre ha sido una parte importante de nuestros MOCS. O no. Tim Schwalfenger nos trae un faro construido en blanco y negro, y el dramatismo que esto añade al espectacular diseño, lo hace sobresalir como una creación espectacular. Tanto la presentacion como el diseño cilíndrico de la torre es sobresaliente. Mientras escribía esto mi mujer me ha preguntado incrédula si estaba construido con LEGO. Cuando le he dicho que si me ha mirado incrédula. Pues eso.
One of the main features that make LEGO(R) bricks attractive to the little ones of the house is their color. From the basic colors of its beginnings (we all remember that kind of multicolored bar code that decorated the boxes) to the multitude of tones that make up the current palette, color has always been an important part of our MOCS. Or not. Tim Schwalfenger brings us a lighthouse built in black and white, and the drama that adds to the spectacular design, makes it stand out as a spectacular creation. Both the presentation and the cylindrical design of the tower are outstanding. While writing this, my wife asked incredulously if it was built with LEGO. When I answered “yes”, she looked at me incredulously. Well, all it’s said.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/112058573@N02/
Sobre la descarga de instrucciones/About downloading instructions
Todas las instrucciones que encontrarás disponibles para descargar en esta página son gratuitas. Si crees que el trabajo que hemos realizado merece un premio, haz una donación, por la cantidad que quieras, a cualquier ONG que trabaje en favor de los niños. Si no te importa escríbenos y cuéntanoslo.
All instructions that you can find available for download on this page are for free. If you think that the work we have done deserves a compensation, make a donation, for the amount you want, to any NGO or charity foundation that works in favor of children. If you don´t mind, write us and let us know about it.
domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017
A veces los complementos marcan la diferencia. Lo saben las mujeres y también los piratas. LEGO 7 nos trae una maravillosa interpretación del pirata Barba Negra, en la que no solo destaca la figura en si, con un diseño de primera clase, si no también la serie de complementos que la acompañan y detalles que la acompañan. Lo dicho, una maravilla.
Sometimes complements make the difference. Women know it and also the pirates do. LEGO 7 brings us a wonderful interpretation of the pirate Blackbeard, in which not only highlights the figure itself, with a first class design, but also the series of accessories and details that accompany it. Just wonderful.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lego7/
sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017
Porsche 911 (1964)
Una de las marcas míticas en el mundo del automovilismo es Porsche. Y probablemente su modelo 911 Sea el principal culpable de ello. Hay muchas versiones con ladrillos LEGO(R) de casi todas las versiones de este coche, incluyendo una versión Technic de la propia compañía LEGO. Sin embargo, Serge S nos trae una bellísima réplica del modelo de 1964. Un proyecto que le ha llevado, nada más y nada menos, un año. ¿Ha merecido la pena la inversión de tiempo en el proyecto? Para nosotros la respuesta es clara. Si. Conseguir esas formas, esas curvas, con nuestros queridos ladrillos dan idea de su calidad como constructor. Enhorabuena.
One of the mythical brands in the world of motorsports is Porsche. And probably the 911 model is the main culprit of it. There are many versions with LEGO(R) bricks from almost all versions of this car, including a Technic version of the LEGO company itself. However, Serge S brings us a beautiful replica of the 1964 model. A project that has taken him, nothing more and nothing less, a year. Was it worth the investment of time in the project? For us the answer is clear. Yes. Getting those shapes, those curves, with our beloved bricks give an idea of his quality as a builder. Congratulations.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/buildme/
One of the mythical brands in the world of motorsports is Porsche. And probably the 911 model is the main culprit of it. There are many versions with LEGO(R) bricks from almost all versions of this car, including a Technic version of the LEGO company itself. However, Serge S brings us a beautiful replica of the 1964 model. A project that has taken him, nothing more and nothing less, a year. Was it worth the investment of time in the project? For us the answer is clear. Yes. Getting those shapes, those curves, with our beloved bricks give an idea of his quality as a builder. Congratulations.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/buildme/
viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017
Not all the castles are the same
Seguro que si nos ponen delante una hoja en blanco y nos piden que dibujemos un castillo, todos, más o menos, dibujaríamos la misma construcción estándar con sus almenas, torreones, puente y foso. Pero a lo largo y ancho de Europa hay multitud de ejemplos de castillos que no siguen esa estructura, ya que fueron construidos para distintos propósitos o con distintos presupuestos. Jaapxaap nos trae un ejemplo de un castillo diferente. Sus magníficos tejados a distintas alturas y los ángulos de sus torres le dan un aspecto original y muy bello.
I’m sure that if someone puts a blank sheet in front of us and asks us to draw a castle, we would all, more or less, draw the same standard construction with its battlements, towers, bridge and moat. But throughout Europe there are many examples of castles that do not follow this structure, since they were built for different purposes or with different budgets. Jaapxaap brings us an example of a different castle. Its magnificent roofs at different heights and the angles of its towers give it an original and very beautiful look.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/98322162@N04/
I’m sure that if someone puts a blank sheet in front of us and asks us to draw a castle, we would all, more or less, draw the same standard construction with its battlements, towers, bridge and moat. But throughout Europe there are many examples of castles that do not follow this structure, since they were built for different purposes or with different budgets. Jaapxaap brings us an example of a different castle. Its magnificent roofs at different heights and the angles of its towers give it an original and very beautiful look.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/98322162@N04/
jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017
Just a quick stop... or maybe not
Una de las imágenes más emblemáticas en las películas americanas de los años 60 son las preciosas gasolineras que adornaban las carreteras de la época. Eran tiempos en los que los viajes por carretera eran largos y las paradas para repostar se convertían en un ritual donde se daba servicio completo, algo que difícilmente se puede encontrar ahora. Andrea Lattanzio (Norton74) nos traslada a esa época en este precioso diorama al que no le falta detalle.
One of the most iconic images in the American films of the 60's are the beautiful gas stations that adorned the roads at that time. Those were times when road trips were long and unhurry, and refueling stops became a ritual where full service was given, something that can hardly be found now. Andrea Lattanzio (Norton74) moves us to that time in this precious diorama full of details.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/norton74/
One of the most iconic images in the American films of the 60's are the beautiful gas stations that adorned the roads at that time. Those were times when road trips were long and unhurry, and refueling stops became a ritual where full service was given, something that can hardly be found now. Andrea Lattanzio (Norton74) moves us to that time in this precious diorama full of details.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/norton74/
domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017
Hay en el mundo una gran cantidad de genios capaces de construir arte con ladrillos LEGO(R). Y luego existen unos pocos capaces de hacer arte a partir de construcciones con LEGO. Puede parecer lo mismo, pero no lo es. Si no tienes muy claro un ejemplo de de esto último solo tienes que visitar la galería de Vesa Lehtimäki. Te aseguro que te pasarás mucho tiempo observando sus fotografías y composiciones y llegarás a la conclusión de que uno puede encontrar arte hasta en los más fríos y recónditos rincones de Hoth.
There are a lot of geniuses in the world capable of building art with LEGO(R) bricks. And then there are a few geniuses capable of making art from constructions with LEGO. It may look the same, but it is not. If you cannot think about an example of this, you only have to visit the gallery of Vesa Lehtimäki. I assure you that you will spend a lot of time observing his photographs and compositions and you will come to the conclusion that one can find art even in the coldest and most hidden corners of Hoth.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/avanaut/

There are a lot of geniuses in the world capable of building art with LEGO(R) bricks. And then there are a few geniuses capable of making art from constructions with LEGO. It may look the same, but it is not. If you cannot think about an example of this, you only have to visit the gallery of Vesa Lehtimäki. I assure you that you will spend a lot of time observing his photographs and compositions and you will come to the conclusion that one can find art even in the coldest and most hidden corners of Hoth.
Author’s gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/avanaut/
lunes, 2 de octubre de 2017
Size matters
Pues si, digan lo que digan, el tamaño importa. Y a veces es difícil calcular el tamaño de un objeto a partir de una fotografía si no existe algo que nos sirva de referencia. Gracias a este fenómeno, estás fantásticas creaciones por Carl Merriam, Toothdominoes y Milan CMadge, pasan de ser grandes a colosales.
Well, whatever you say, size matters. And sometimes it is difficult to calculate the size of an object from a photograph if there is nothing that serves as a reference. Thanks to this phenomenon, these fantastic creations by Carl Merriam,Toothdominoes and Milan CMadge, go from being large to colossal.
Well, whatever you say, size matters. And sometimes it is difficult to calculate the size of an object from a photograph if there is nothing that serves as a reference. Thanks to this phenomenon, these fantastic creations by Carl Merriam,Toothdominoes and Milan CMadge, go from being large to colossal.
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