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All instructions that you can find available for download on this page are for free. If you think that the work we have done deserves a compensation, make a donation, for the amount you want, to any NGO or charity foundation that works in favor of children. If you don´t mind, write us and let us know about it.

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018


Aunque no es septiembre no quiere decir que no se puedan construir grandes naves, enormes naves. La Leviathan de I Scream Clone es un claro ejemplo, con más de un metro y 200 studs de largo. El diseño es fantástico, dándole el típico aspecto de nave terrícola, muy industrial y funcional, frente a los diseños casi imposibles que se suele dar a las naves alienigenas. Su esquema de color es fantástico, no puedo esperar a ver las fotos de su interior...

Although it is not September, it does’nt mean that large ships can not be built, huge ships. The Leviathan of I Scream Clone is a clear example, with more than one meter and 200 studs long. The design is fantastic, giving it the typical appearance of a terrestrial ship, very industrial and functional, compared to the almost impossible designs that are usually given to alien ships. Its color scheme is fantastic, I cannot wait to see the pictures of the interior sections...

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