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domingo, 8 de julio de 2018

Sacrilege Against Quetzalcoatl

Expresar movimiento en una fotografía estática es una tarea compleja. La actitud y la pose de los personajes es fundamental para que le escena parezca viva, que parezca que están ocurriendo cosas. Viendo esta escena de Aaron Newman parece que hemos llegado en el momento justo de presenciar el climax de una historia. Todo el conjunto es magnífico, pero la figura de Quetzalcoatl me ha enamorado totalmente.

Expressing movement in a static photograph is a complex task. The attitude and pose of the characters is fundamental to make the scene seem alive, that seems that things are happening. Watching this scene by Aaron Newman it seems that we have arrived at the right moment to witness the climax of a story. The whole set is magnificent, but the figure of Quetzalcoatl has completely enraptured me.

Author’s gallery:

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