Mucho se ha dicho sobre las adaptaciones de El Hobbit y El Señor de los Anillos por parte de Peter Jackson, y es fácil encontrar argumentos a favor y en contra. Tolkien describió abundantemente, e incluso dibujo, muchas de las localizaciones de sus libros. Dunedain98 nos presenta su visión de la casa de Beorn según la visión de Tolkien. Puedes preferir la visión de las películas pero lo que no se puede negar es que se trata de un MOC espectacular e increíblemente detallado.
Much has been said about the adaptations of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by Peter Jackson, and it is easy to find arguments for and against. Tolkien described abundantly, and even drew, many of the locations of his books. Dunedain98 presents to us his vision of the Beorn's Hall according to the vision of Tolkien. You may prefer the view of the movies but what can not be denied is that it is a spectacular and incredibly detailed MOC.
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All instructions that you can find available for download on this page are for free. If you think that the work we have done deserves a compensation, make a donation, for the amount you want, to any NGO or charity foundation that works in favor of children. If you don´t mind, write us and let us know about it.
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